AltWeeklies Wire
The Invisible Peoplenew

San Antonio's sizable refugee community struggles as the American dream passes them by.
San Antonio Current |
Bill Conroy |
07-18-2014 |
Tags: Refugees
Trippin’ Out in TXnew

A journey through Texas' psychedelic music scene.
San Antonio Current |
Matt Stieb |
04-30-2014 |
Tags: psychedelic music, texas music
The Truth About Crisis Pregnancy Centersnew

While cutting family planning funds, Texas lawmakers divert millions to crisis pregnancy centers.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Tuma |
11-13-2013 |
The War on Women
The Biggest Little Gay Rights Battle in Texasnew

The unexpected battle to protect San Antonio's LGBT citizens from discrimination.
San Antonio Current |
Callie Enlow and Mary Tuma |
09-06-2013 |

Let’s be real. For supporters, the long road towards the passage of the Non-Discrimination Ordinance (NDO) has been exhausting. Scratch that.
San Antonio Current |
Richard Farias |
09-04-2013 |
Welcome Back, Black Market Abortionsnew

The lengths Texas women will go to avoid anti-abortion regulation.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Tuma |
08-15-2013 |
The War on Women
Thelma and Louise (The Movie) Starring Thelma and Louise (The Two Headed Turtle)new

We went photoshop crazy inserting Thelma and Louise, the San Antonio Zoo's two headed Texas cooter, into stills from Thelma and Louise, the super badass feminist road flick.
San Antonio Current |
Isis Madrid |
08-01-2013 |
Daniel Baldwin’s San Antonio Mission: TV, Film and Sobrietynew

“My sobriety is nobody’s business,” he told the Current during an August 25 meeting at the Bauhaus Media Group studios, where he’s in post-production of the film he’s directing, Wisdom. The movie was shot in San Antonio, except for a scene in Malibu, California (“I’ll sell it as Corpus,” he laughs). He gave me the exact day of his sobriety (which I won’t share) but, after telling me “there’s a lot of lies that were written about me,” insists he won’t talk about it.
Yet, little by little, he opened up and told us about how inspiring the Wisdom journey has been for him and, hopefully, others.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
07-30-2013 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Daniel Baldwin, Wisdom
What's Next for the Texas Anti-Abortion Bill?new

Despite hours of testimony, days after days of relentless protesting by pro-choice advocates who came out by the thousands and overwhelming scientific consensus from major medical organizations, a draconian bill that would likely shut down all but five clinics in Texas passed through the state Legislature last week.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Tuma |
07-18-2013 |
The War on Women
Why Texas Still Needs the Voting Rights Actnew

The ability to vote—to have this process be simple, accessible, free of intimidation—is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Anne Henderson |
07-18-2013 |
Greg Abbott: Rick Perry 2.0new

Last week, standing before a crowd at the HOLT Caterpillar plant in none other than San Antonio, Gov. Rick Perry announced he would step aside to “pass the mantle” of leadership, officially marking the end of his painfully long reign as governor.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Tuma |
07-18-2013 |
The Liberation of CSSnew

When CSS (“Cansei de Ser Sexy,” Portuguese for “tired of being sexy,” supposedly something Beyoncé once told the press) set out to record Planta, their fourth album, the electro-pop band was at a crossroads.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
07-18-2013 |
Tags: CSS
Repent Now: Christian Metalheads Take Over San Antonionew

As part of the mostly Christian Screaming the Prayer heavy metal tour, Dallas’ Fit for a King comes to S.A. as proof that, at the very least, praying doesn’t hurt: the band’s initial output, Creation/Destruction, holds the record for most debut album first-week copies sold in their label’s, Solid State Records, history.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
07-14-2013 |
Anti-Abortion Bill Debate Waging on Texas House Floornew

A Texas House floor debate among lawmakers is now underway at the Capitol to determine the fate of a controversial bill that would ultimately decimate access to abortion in the state. Mostly Democratic lawmakers are in the process of proposing a flurry of amendments – being shot down one by one by the GOP majority – and will likely continue throughout the day.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Tuma |
07-10-2013 |
The War on Women
San Antonio's Glacial Progress on LBGTQ Rightsnew

One by one, activists, family members, and allies of LGBT San Antonians stood before their councilmembers, demanding the gay community be treated as more than second-class citizens. Recounting emotional, first-person stories of victimization and intolerance, testifiers urged council to pass a measure that codifies their societal equity by granting them the same protections as their counterparts.
San Antonio Current |
Mary Tuma |
06-26-2013 |