AltWeeklies Wire

America Needs to Do a Better Job Selling Itselfnew

When America's stock is tumbling, all it does is change its bureaucrats or tweak its hopelessly unpopular policies. George W. Bush is the perfect man to head a total restructuring of the America brand during his last days in office.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  David Faris  |  07-29-2008  |  Commentary

It's Been a Year Since Steven 'Butter' Miller Was Killed. Does Anyone Remember?new

When Butter was shot dead by police -- shot at 85 times, hit about 20 -- he was high, standing on a corner and waving a loaded gun. He hadn't pointed it at anyone, or if he had, it had been completely accidental, coincidental, because Butter was blank-eyed, detached from the world.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Tom Namako and Doron Taussig  |  07-29-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Round Two: Obama Needs to Conquer Philly All Over Againnew

Obama supporters were pretty excited for the primary. Can they get revved up for the general election too?
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Emily Schultheis  |  07-29-2008  |  Politics

'The Last Mistress' Frames Intense Performances with Relative Restrainnew

Although it's based on a scandalous 19th-century novel by Jules-Amedee Barbey d'Aurevilly, Catherine Breillat's film makes few concessions to the conventions of costume drama.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Sam Adams  |  07-22-2008  |  Reviews

Can Location-Specific Advertising Generate Revenue for WiFi?new

When NAC took over EarthLink's Philly network, it proposed a hybrid business model: steady revenue from wired broadband for large businesses combined with a free public access network that could generate revenue from advertisements. This latter part is particularly interesting, because, while it sounds promising, no reliable model exists for ads on a WiFi network.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Timothy J. McLaughlin  |  07-22-2008  |  Tech

Clueless Cheney Tries to Scare Us into Drilling Everythingnew

With gas prices hovering over $4 a gallon across the U.S., the doyens of petrophilia are pulling out all the stops in an effort to get the U.S. to lift all environmental restrictions on drilling for oil. The latest salvo came when Dick Cheney repeated a claim by columnist George Will that the Chinese are drilling for crude in conjunction with Cuba off the coast of Florida.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  David Faris  |  07-01-2008  |  Commentary

Mission of Burma Takes Its Earliest Successes on a Victory Lapnew

To promote the reissues, the band is devoting its live shows to playing Signals and Vs. in their entirety, offering the EP and the album on alternating nights.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Sam Adams  |  07-01-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Inaugural Philadelphia Independent Film Festival Programs Honest-to-goodness Indie Filmsnew

Coming as it does in between April's behemoth Philadelphia Film Festival and July's ever-expanding Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, the Independent Film Fest has to be looked at as David next to a pair of well-established Goliaths.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Shaun Brady  |  07-01-2008  |  Movies

Christophe Honore's Menage-a-trois Musical Hits All the Right Notesnew

The characters in Love Songs live life at such an animated pitch that you almost don't notice when they begin to sing.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Sam Adams  |  06-24-2008  |  Reviews

Can Philly's Bold Experiment in Preventing Foreclosures Work?new

With the foreclosure crisis in full swing, Judge C. Darnell Jones issued an order declaring that before any foreclosure goes to sale, a representative for the lender must sit down with the borrower in court. He also postponed all sales of owner-occupied houses scheduled for April or May until July. The order immediately drew national attention, and last week, the experiment began.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Isaiah Thompson  |  06-24-2008  |  Housing & Development

Locked Down: What It's Really Like Inside Philly's Overcrowded Prisonsnew

The city's prisons woefully overpopulated and have been for several decades. Efforts to fix this problem have come up against the seemingly immutable fact that, on an average day, 108 people enter the six-prison system while only 105 leave it.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Tom Namako  |  06-24-2008  |  Crime & Justice

How Bassam Sebti Sees the Iraq Warnew

Sebti lived through the first three years of the war as an Iraqi in Baghdad. He's watched the last two from Philadelphia.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Doron Taussig  |  06-02-2008  |  War

Green-Collar Job Programs Address Two Urban Ills at Oncenew

"We were doing debris removal and giving disenfranchised people a segue into the work force. For those part-timers who really got involved, there was a sense of ownership and pride -- they could do this for their own neighborhood."
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Dana Henry  |  05-27-2008  |  Business & Labor

This Not-So-Intrepid Reporter's Attempt at a Cleansed and Sober Lifestylenew

I met with a trained holistic nutritionist who focuses on Eastern-influenced health counseling practices, who gave me a two-week-long cleanse/detox plan that I kicked off with some cupping, a practice whereby glass bulbs were suction-cupped to my back to draw out toxins. I found it delightfully uncomfortable.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Meredith Lindemon  |  05-20-2008  |  Science

Gas Prices are High; Tension between Drivers & Cyclists Shouldn't Also Benew

At a time when gas prices, as well as motorists' tempers, are rising, it seems we should be embracing alternative forms of transportation. But instead of ditching the car, the masses of would-be cyclists are scared shitless. Twenty-five pounds of steel powered by an unprotected human body is no match against traffic powered by internal combustion and human aggression.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Stewart Dean Ebersole  |  05-20-2008  |  Transportation

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