AltWeeklies Wire

Exposing Big Oil's Red Pennew

Whistleblower Rick Piltz exposed the White House Council for Environmental Quality's plot to maximize doubt about climate change by aggressively editing scientific reports on the topic.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  09-26-2007  |  Environment

The Texas Legislature Puts God in Public Schoolsnew

Now two lawsuits are fighting for the church-state divide.
San Antonio Current  |  Vince Leibowitz  |  09-26-2007  |  Religion

Exploitation Should Kills Bush's 'Free Trade' Dealsnew

As business interests press their case for expanding NAFTA-like agreements to Colombia, Peru, and Panama, a growing collection of Americans are coming to question the human-rights implications of so-called Free Trade.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  09-20-2007  |  Business & Labor

Living in Sprawl's Shadownew

The planned community known as the Rockin' J Ranch sparks water fears, irks nature tourism plans, and threatens the many tiny creatures calling White Springs home.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  09-12-2007  |  Housing & Development

Tarred & Weatherednew

Inaction on 281-N put SA on freeway to double taxation.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  08-29-2007  |  Transportation

Texas' Law of Parties Remains Controversialnew

The law is responsible for Kenneth Foster, the driver but not the shooter in a murder, who is scheduled for execution on Aug. 30.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  08-29-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Banging the Drum for Bio-defensenew

San Antonio boosters cheer Homeland Security boodle potential, downplay risk.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  08-15-2007  |  Science

Texas HB 2391: The Stoner's Summarynew

On Sept. 1, a new Texas law will go into effect that says if a cop catches you with your stash -- assuming you're not dumb enough to cruise around with more than four ounces on your person -- they can issue you a citation instead of hauling your ass downtown.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  08-08-2007  |  Drugs

Paper to Pen: Coverage for Incarcerated Readersnew

A San Antonio Current special issue geared towards prisoner issues.
San Antonio Current  |  Staff  |  08-02-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Global Warming Hates South Texasnew

Aggie study turns San Antonio into Laredo; South Texas the new Coahuila.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  07-30-2007  |  Environment

When the Blogosphere Prematurely Picks a Candidatenew

That might be a revolution in something, but it's not a revolution in journalism.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  07-25-2007  |  Media

Global Warming Hates South Texasnew

"Here we have a region that's climate-vulnerable. These kinds of subtropical, semi-arid regions are on the edge already."
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  07-25-2007  |  Environment

¡Qué Queer! San Antonio!new

"Her"itage and "History" come together in an GLBT exhibition.
San Antonio Current  |  Penny Boyer  |  07-20-2007  |  LGBT

San Antonio Residents Protest Homeless Campusnew

Helter shelter for a neighborhood anticipating hundreds of the city's homeless -- many of whom suffer from mental illness and drug addiction -- on their front door steps.
San Antonio Current  |  Kiko Martinez  |  07-20-2007  |  Housing & Development

John Stanford: Still Communist After All These Yearsnew

The sparkly eyed 82-year-old with a childlike grin is part of San Antone's history.
San Antonio Current  |  Eric Lane  |  07-11-2007  |  Civil Liberties

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