AltWeeklies Wire

Exploitation Should Kills Bush's 'Free Trade' Dealsnew

As business interests press their case for expanding NAFTA-like agreements to Colombia, Peru, and Panama, a growing collection of Americans are coming to question the human-rights implications of so-called Free Trade.
San Antonio Current  |  Greg Harman  |  09-20-2007  |  Business & Labor

Cantineras Risk Alcoholism to Earn Good Moneynew

In Houston's cantinas, women are paid to entice men to buy them drinks. Some took up the line of work to pay off the coyote who helped them cross the border.
Houston Press  |  Keith Plocek  |  07-06-2005  |  The War on Women

Words Really Did Hurt 'Dark Alliance' Authornew

Gary Webb had been planning his own death at least since May, according to his former wife, Susan Bell. In the wake of the investigative reporter's suicide, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and others praised his reporting, which major papers tried to debunk.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich  |  12-17-2004  |  Media

An Iran-Contra Conspirator Joins the Swift Boat Crowdnew

Felix I. Rodriguez, who ran Ronald Reagan's mission to arm the Nicaraguan Contras, claims John Kerry has lied about him. In 1987, the Democrat's committee concluded that Rodriguez had helped steer drug money to the Contras.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Bob Norman  |  09-28-2004  |  Politics

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