AltWeeklies Wire

A Field Guide to Chinese Oppressionnew

Though Beijing's enemies are way too numerous to list, consider the following four non-Tibetan religious, ethnic, and intellectual minorities a sort of Olympic qualifying heat. In order to advance Beijing's "Harmonious Society" in preparation for the 2008 Games, members of these groups have been locked up, exiled, or have disappeared altogether. Enjoy the synchronized swimming!
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Matthews  |  08-07-2008  |  International

China, Tibet, and the Olympicsnew

Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman explains the Dalai Lama's political wisdom, the myopia of the Chinese, and the essence of the Olympics.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Kadzis  |  08-07-2008  |  International

Mao's Ghost: The Spirit of the Chairman Haunts the Olympicsnew

Americans should ask themselves, is it in our interests that China today holds $1.2 trillion in reserve assets alone, with billions more invested in US financial institutions and other businesses? And while we ponder that question, we should ask ourselves this: is it prudent for the federal government to spend like a drunken sailor with money borrowed from China?
Boston Phoenix  |  Editorial  |  08-07-2008  |  International

Political Humor is No Longer Welcome in Academianew

For close to two decades, academia has been in the grips of a political-correctness fury that has strangled the sense of humor that was once the campus's best-known calling card. So if you're wondering why Barack Obama had such a surprisingly negative reaction to that New Yorker cover, consider the Harvard Factor.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  07-31-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Why is the Press Playing Along with GOP Smears of Obama?new

The GOP is smearing Barack Obama as a narcissist, hitting him repeatedly with the charge that he has a vanity problem. So why is the press playing along?
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  07-31-2008  |  Media

Where Has All the Gonzo Gone?new

In the first presidential election since the death of Hunter S. Thompson, we finally realize what we've lost.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  07-31-2008  |  Media

State House Sex Scandal Reveals Pitfalls of Reporting on Mental Illnessnew

While the Boston press clearly thinks Jim Marzilli's mental condition is newsworthy, the question of why it's important -- and how it should be covered -- has remained unanswered.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  07-31-2008  |  Media

Does Boston Hate Its Copsnew

A secret survey shows just how low the Boston Police Department’s reputation had sunk two years ago. Is the mayor listening? And has anything improved?
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  07-17-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Reality Paycheck at the Boston Globenew

Rumor has it that the Boston Globe is primed to ask its staff to do the same work for less pay. And it just might happen.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  07-10-2008  |  Media

Mass Gun Laws Now Target for Debatenew

Good news, Bostonians: you can own guns! The bad news: so can your weird neighbor.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kim Liao  |  07-03-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Taking a Shot at the Supreme Courtnew

This past week's Supreme Court ruling, invalidating Washington, DC's handgun ban, demonstrates just how far afield "movement conservatism" has taken our country.
Boston Phoenix  |  Editorial  |  07-03-2008  |  Civil Liberties

The 2008 Muzzles: Collegiate Divisionnew

In reality, college campuses are home to some of the most outrageous cases of censorship.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  06-26-2008  |  Civil Liberties

The 2008 Phoenix Muzzle Awardsnew

Freedom of expression may be guaranteed by the Constitution, but it's an idea we have to fight for every day. We round up the past year's most conspicuous enemies.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  06-26-2008  |  Civil Liberties

Is Anybody Paying Attention to McClatchy's Powerful Guantanamo Expose?new

With this past week's publication of a series on the Kafka-esque detention of thousands of foreign nationals following 9/11, the hybrid McClatchy–Knight Ridder DC operation is enjoying its biggest achievement to date.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  06-26-2008  |  Media

Debating the High-School 'Pregnancy Pact' Won't Make Teen Pregnancy Surge Disappearnew

There are limits to what social programs and education can accomplish. Teen pregnancies -- desired or not -- will never disappear. But, as the nation's 15-year successful track record indicates, they can be controlled.
Boston Phoenix  |  Editorial  |  06-26-2008  |  Sex

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