AltWeeklies Wire

Who Would Jesus Fire?new

The religious exemption that allows Catholic hospitals to discriminate against employees.
The Stranger  |  Cienna Madrid  |  04-02-2013  |  Business & Labor

Love For All means Everyonenew

Amendment 1 would discriminate against thousands of people. Meet some of them.
INDY Week  |  CLACK  |  03-31-2012  |  Politics

Asian Students Under Assault in Philadelphia Schoolsnew

Community organizers say 30 or more Asian students were attacked Thursday, Dec. 3 at South Philadelphia High School. In September, Philadelphia Weekly's George Miller wrote this cover story about how Asian students are regularly targeted in Philadelphia schools.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  G.W. Miller III  |  12-07-2009  |  Children & Families

Army Employee: Noose was Part of Effort to Make Me Quitnew

No one denies that Anthony Jackson saw a noose on an office desk while he was working at Fort Carson last winter. But his former co-workers say it was meaningless, a fun knot to tie that was never meant as a threat to anybody.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Anthony Lane  |  10-22-2009  |  Race & Class

Gay Hate in Miami Beachnew

Even as complaints about discrimination against gays have increased in Miami-Dade -- up from five to a record 29 last year -- county commissioners have chopped the Miami-Dade Equal Opportunity Board annual budget from about $600,000 to $300,000
Miami New Times  |  Natalie O'Neill  |  10-20-2008  |  LGBT

An Inmate Beating Brings Up Issue of Transgender Discrimination in Memphisnew

A video leaked from the Shelby County Correction Center shows Officer Bridges McRae repeatedly punching Duanna Johnson inside a waiting room at the jail. The 18-minute video has no audio, but Johnson claims McRae assaulted her after she refused to respond to homophobic slurs of "he/she" and "faggot."
The Memphis Flyer  |  Bianca Phillips  |  06-27-2008  |  LGBT

Court Says the U.S. Treasury Discriminates Against the Blindnew

A federal appeals court upheld a 2006 decision that the U.S. Department of the Treasury discriminates against the blind because paper money is not distinguishable by touch. The decision could mean a big change for blind citizens like Stephanie Jones and for America's paper currency.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Shara Clark  |  05-30-2008  |  Policy Issues

Verizon Says No to Trans-Inclusive Policynew

What would make a company who ranked number one on DiversityInc's "Top 50 Companies for Diversity" the past two years take a less than favorable action on a policy to included gender identity and expression in its non-dsicrimination policy?
Artvoice  |  Bryan Whitley-Grassi  |  05-12-2008  |  LGBT

In the World of Fair Housing, 'Discrimination' is in the Eye of the Beholdernew

Neither the courts nor the federal government have provided publications with clear, specific and comprehensive guidelines for what constitutes discriminatory advertising. As a result, many newspapers don't realize they're breaking the law until it's too late.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  05-05-2008  |  Media

Discrimination Suits Accuse Southern Connecticut State University of Institutional Discriminationnew

Five SCSU business professors, past and present, are suing the university for discrimination and harassment, and all say the university president is aware of and maybe even condones the problems. If the claims are true, the lawsuits paint a bleak picture of academic life at the state school.
New Haven Advocate  |  Betsy Yagla  |  04-29-2008  |  Education

Difficult Transitionsnew

One Vermont mom struggles to help her daughter become a man.
Seven Days  |  Cathy Resmer  |  08-16-2006  |  Sex

Don't Ask, Don't Benew

A Houston-area man leads the fight against the ban on gays in the military.
Houston Press  |  Craig Malisow  |  01-09-2006  |  LGBT

Student of Concernnew

Will we be more secure -- or just less competitive -- if the government forces hundreds of thousands of international science students to get export licenses simply to look through a microscope?
SF Weekly  |  Cristi Hegranes  |  06-02-2005  |  International

U.S. Troops Patrol Insurgency's Front Door in Mosulnew

For the past few months, the worst place in Iraq has been Mosul. Violent death is only part of the equation.
The Village Voice  |  David Axe  |  05-03-2005  |  International

Developmentally Disabled Boy Kicked Out of Cub Scoutsnew

Cub Scout pack leaders wrote to Christopher Lowe-Irby's mother and said her 7-year-old would be barred from meetings and activities "for both his safety and the other children's safety."
Riverfront Times  |  Malcolm Gay  |  10-26-2004  |  Children & Families

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