AltWeeklies Wire
Two Minute Criminalnew

Officer Mark Bralley was the fiend who had become the Two Minute Criminal for exercising his free-speech rights to criticize the committee and talk longer than two minutes when addressing them in the City Council chambers.
Weekly Alibi |
Dennis Domrzalski |
09-24-2012 |
Tags: free speech, police
August Deadly for Iraqis and U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistannew

August was not easy for U.S. service members in Afghanistan. It was the deadliest month in that part of the Middle East, with 66 casualties.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
09-01-2011 |
Army Strong: A Gay Soldier's Life of Servicenew

Lt. Col. Steve Loomis was discharged from the Army five days before he was eligible for his 20-year retirement. He reflects on his fight to get his due, his life in the military and Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
11-11-2010 |
Wrong Side of the Lawnew

Will Albuquerque’s agreement with ICE impact immigrant victims of domestic violence?
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
08-04-2010 |
Tensions Put Abortion Clinics on High Alertnew

George Tiller's murderer sentenced to life on the eve of Good Friday, a day notorious for large anti-abortion protests. One Albuquerque doctor steps up to provide third-trimester abortions.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
04-12-2010 |
Tags: George Tiller, Abortion
Covering Fire and the People Who Start Itnew
It’s been three years since I started beat reporting, and in that time I suppose I’ve covered 100 fires. But this was the first time I had ever been handed a shovel at a fire by a frantic homeowner, and I hope it’s the last. But I will say reporting on a fire is a rush better than any dope.
Weekly Alibi |
John Bear |
04-12-2010 |
The Health Reform Prognosisnew
An interview with a woman who had a hand in crafting portions of the health reform legislation.
Weekly Alibi |
Whitny Doyle |
04-12-2010 |
Tags: Health Care Reform, HCR
Medicaid is Not a Herpes Cream: A Health Reform Tutorialnew
More than anyone, I understand that the world of health policy can be confusing. Here’s a list of select terms to ease the pain of reading about health reform. At the very least, knowing the distinction between Medicare and Medicaid will help you impress bookishly cute fox at the coffee shop you’ve been eyeing.
Weekly Alibi |
Whitny Doyle, RN |
04-09-2010 |
A New Mexico Nurse Discusses Her Service in Iraqnew

Nurses may dress the wounds of the enemy. They may deploy to New Orleans to salvage lives in a temporary hospital. Some military nurses may get the chance to share their skills and knowledge with Iraqi women in makeshift classrooms. Others may find themselves witnessing history firsthand.
Weekly Alibi |
Whitny Doyle |
03-23-2010 |
The Mexican Asks a New Mexicannew
The Alibi’s Joseph Baca responds to Gustavo Arellano's hard-hitting questions about the Land of Enchantment.
Weekly Alibi |
Joseph Baca |
03-16-2010 |
Race & Class
Tags: Joseph Baca, Gustavo Arellano
1-800-Adopt-a-Haitian: America, Please Step Away from Trophy Disaster Babiesnew
Let me say this with due respect to those who feel the best option for these kids is a comfy, middle-class ’burb home with loving, caring white parents and siblings: Back away from the trophy case. A lot more is necessary for a quality black life than material goods and vows to do the right thing.
Weekly Alibi |
Gene Grant |
02-26-2010 |
Race & Class
Iraq War Protesters Get Their Day in Courtnew
Seven years after one of the biggest clashes between civilians and police in Albuquerque's history, 11 protesters are taking city officials to court over First Amendment issues.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
02-26-2010 |
Civil Liberties
Will New Mexico Offer Drug Users Treatment Instead of Jail Time?new
There might be some good news on the horizon for those caught in the revolving door of drug addiction. Proposed state legislation would give judges the discretion to offer people with drug-possession charges a treatment program instead of jail time.
Weekly Alibi |
Carolyn Carlson |
02-09-2010 |
Suckers for Stucker: An Interview With Our Favorite Weathermannew
Steve Stucker really needs no introduction. Since 1990, he’s brought jovial morning weather forecasts to New Mexicans via KOB-4. Formerly a professional dog trainer, Stucker is a friend to animals, even parading pooches on TV every Friday in order to help them get adopted.
Weekly Alibi |
Jessica Cassyle Carr |
02-02-2010 |
Tags: Steve Stucker, Groundhog Day
Interview with the author of 'The Ethical Slut'new

Dossie Easton is an alternative lifestyle pioneer who co-authored the polyamory bible.
Weekly Alibi |
Julian Wolf |
12-31-2009 |