AltWeeklies Wire

Dylan Mortimer's struggles lead to a Curenew

As an artist known for making impressively scaled signs and combining hip-hop symbols with references to Christianity — Google him and his brilliant Prayer Booths still come up first — Dylan Mortimer has always made personal art. But his latest exhibition transcends the personal for something revelatory...
The Pitch  |  Tracy Abeln  |  01-19-2016  |  Art

City of Godnew

How Christian churches are changing Kansas City's cultural landscape.
The Pitch  |  David Hudnall  |  11-19-2014  |  Culture

The Snoop, or the Guy Who'll Trail You if Your Partner Suspects Cheatingnew

Chris is a private investigator with Northland Attorneys LLC. Clients frequently hire him to tail their partners, whom they suspect of cheating. We've changed his name so he can remain covert as he follows Kansas City's skulking spouses.
The Pitch  |  Nadia Pflaum  |  02-16-2010  |  Culture

Greetings From Crown Center at 40: Hallmark's Island of Misfit Ideasnew

Hallmark Cards broke ground on this "city within a city" on September 16, 1968. Company founder Joyce C. Hall had spent the previous decade meeting with architects, industrial designers and real-estate men. Walt Disney, a friend, had even contributed a few ideas. Hall envisioned Crown Center as a sort of monument to corporate benevolence.
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  12-22-2009  |  Shopping

At the International G.I. Joe Convention, Grown Men Play With Little Dollsnew

Most of the attendees are male, large, and loyal to either the 12-inch original toys or the 3-3/4-inch figurines based on the cartoon characters. A slight edge goes to the cartoon fans, who tend to be younger and single, with more disposable income.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  09-08-2009  |  Culture

How Watching the Kansas City Royals is Like Reliving the Bush Presidencynew

Rany Jazayerli is a little like Joseph Wilson. Each man hit a nerve, in part because they spoke the truth. Iraq was not on the cusp of attacking anyone with nuclear weapons. And the Royals need to do a better job of keeping their players healthy.
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  07-21-2009  |  Sports

Meet the Powder Creek Cowboys: The Fastest Guns in Lenexanew

Dennis Ryan has been a Leavenworth County paramedic for close to 30 years, treating wounds from car crashes and farm accidents but almost never gunshots. At Powder Creek, he's just Croaker -- one of the fastest guns in east Kansas and the man who won the Prince of Pistoleers last year.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  07-07-2009  |  Recreation

As Pop Culture Sucks on Myths, Some Real Vampires Tell Their Storiesnew

I'm sitting in the Winstead's by the Plaza waiting for a group of people I've never met. It's the monthly meeting of Gathering Dusk, a Midwest meet-up club that's primarily for people who identify themselves as vampires.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  02-24-2009  |  Culture

Theirs Could Have Been Web 2.0's Wonder-Boy Success Storynew

Set to make millions with their YouTube-beating technology, the upstarts in Lifted Logic found a better market for their talents.
The Pitch  |  Jason Harper  |  02-03-2009  |  Tech

Blogger Mark Smith Finds Cheer in Kansas City’s Most Depressing Placesnew

He rants about crime, his past and blight. He has earned enemies, engaging in a flame war with self-appointed crime-fighter Alonzo Washington after Washington trashed the family of a crime victim for refusing his help.
The Pitch  |  Justin Kendall  |  12-30-2008  |  Tech

Lee Jeans is a Proud Maker of 'Mom Jeans'new

In the United States, Lee markets jeans worthy of mockery on Saturday Night Live. But in Europe, its products are considered stylish and high-end.
The Pitch  |  Jen Chen  |  12-09-2008  |  Fashion

For the Makers of Shatto Milk, Success is Cold and Tastynew

The product has considerable appeal. It comes from cows that haven't been treated with artificial growth hormones. The animals live on a dairy 45 miles outside the city, a significant factor for those who try to mind their carbon footprints. And the bottles, in addition to being reusable, are cool as hell.
The Pitch  |  David Martin  |  09-23-2008  |  Food+Drink

Can Kansas City Support Two Entertainment Districts?new

To find out, we drink our way through the Power & Light and Westport districts.
The Pitch  |  Jen Chen and Crystal K. Wiebe  |  07-29-2008  |  Recreation

Kansas City's Iron Chefnew

He wants to be a restaurant mogul, but first Rob Dalzell has to prevent another opening-day disaster.
The Pitch  |  Crystal K. Wiebe  |  03-18-2008  |  Food+Drink

Billie Mahoney Danced with the Best of Themnew

And at 80, this sexy number isn't done yet.
The Pitch  |  Jen Chen  |  03-04-2008  |  Performance

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