AltWeeklies Wire

Caleb Neelon Traces Graffiti's Hidden History in New Booknew

In a proliferating library of graffiti books, the 410-page The History of American Graffiti stakes a major claim at being the definitive history of the art form. And it's astonishingly illustrated by hundreds of snapshots, mostly by the artists themselves.
Boston Phoenix  |  Greg Cook  |  04-06-2011  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

I did Sookie Stackhousenew

A book snob reveals her whirlwind affair with America's favorite telepathic waitress.
Boston Phoenix  |  Eugenia Williamson  |  02-10-2011  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

20 Astoundingly Bad Romance Novel Coversnew

Moaning, groaning, and oiled-hunk-boning with Uncle Walter & Co.
Boston Phoenix  |  Uncle Walter and the Wife  |  02-10-2011  |  Books

Tim Wu, Historian of Information Empiresnew

To say that Tim Wu has written a history of the information age is sort of like saying that Howard Zinn wrote a history of the United States. Wu is a young scholar but the first line of his obituary is already written: a few years back he coined the term "Net neutrality," then got the FCC to embrace
Boston Phoenix  |  Carly Carioli  |  02-08-2011  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Keith Richards's Lifenew

The Rolling Stone spills all — eloquently.
Boston Phoenix  |  Joyce Millman  |  11-15-2010  |  Nonfiction

'The Publisher': Twilight of the Superheroesnew

The ghost of Time Inc.’s Henry Luce haunts Bill Keller, Executive Editor of the New York Times.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Kadzis  |  04-29-2010  |  Nonfiction

A Sweet Crop of New Graphic Narrativesnew

Comics. Graphic novels. Sequential-art books. Call them what you will, but there are more of them than ever. Here's a rundown on some of the best from the past few months.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  10-15-2009  |  Books

Nick Cave's New Novel is All Sex, Drugs and Hand Creamnew

When I interviewed Nick Cave for the Phoenix three years ago and he told me -- drolly, languidly, literarily -- that his next writing project was about "a sexually incontinent hand-cream salesman" on the south coast of England, I assumed he was taking the piss.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  10-08-2009  |  Fiction

Jane Goodall on Her New Book, North Korea and Bible-Thumping Conservativesnew

The good news is, to break the doom-and-gloom cycle of cynicism, we have Dr. Jane Goodall whose optimistic new book, Hope for Animals and Their World details how a variety of endangered species have been rescued from the brink of extinction.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lance Gould  |  10-01-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

In a New Book, Ethan Gilsdorf Tracks His Global Quest to Visit the Holiest Nerd-World Sitesnew

A former teenage Dungeons & Dragons nerd, author Ethan Gilsdorf has rediscovered his past obsession and gone global, making pilgrimage to the planet's temples of dorkdom, from a visit to Tolkien's home in the UK to a jam with Boston wizard rockers Harry and the Potters.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  10-01-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Bookstores Fight Back With Instant Paperbacksnew

Battered booksellers have a secret weapon that they hope will continue to lure customers into their stores. Would you believe it's a machine that can print up a fresh new paperback copy from a menu of 3.6 million books?
Boston Phoenix  |  Ethan Gilsdorf  |  09-24-2009  |  Books

Harvey Silverglate Dissects Federal Prosecutors' Corrupt Justicenew

In Three Felonies A Day, the civil liberties watchdog's thesis is as provocative as it is simple: justice has become sufficiently perverted in this nation that federal prosecutors, if they put their minds to it, could find a way to indict almost any one of us for almost anything.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Kadzis  |  09-23-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Fall Nonfiction: Tomes From The 'Fact' Departmentnew

It's the economy, stupid. Or maybe politics or literature. Fall nonfiction goes wide and deep, so plan for some marathon reading.
Boston Phoenix  |  Barbara Hoffert  |  09-17-2009  |  Books

New Treats From Old Friends In Fall Booksnew

Margaret Atwood, A.S. Byatt, Philip Roth, Paul Auster, John Ashberry, and, yes, Vladimir Nabakov have new tales to tell.
Boston Phoenix  |  Barbara Hoffert  |  09-17-2009  |  Books

Jesse Sheidlower Gives the F-Word its Duenew

Until 1970, with the release of M.A.S.H., audiences had never heard the f-word in a mainstream Hollywood film. Who catalogs this stuff, and why? Jesse Sheidlower, an editor-at-large of the Oxford English Dictionary, and the author of The F-Word, can't stop talking about fuck.
Boston Phoenix  |  Justine Elias  |  09-16-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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