AltWeeklies Wire

Grave Concernsnew

A zombie comic book series wants your braaaains.
Eugene Weekly  |  Aaron Ragan-Fore  |  02-17-2012  |  Art

Daniel Clowes' Oakland Is for Damaged Loversnew

His comics let romance take center stage -- sort of.
East Bay Express  |  Stefanie Kalem  |  04-21-2011  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Graphic Novels Come of Age in Monterey County and Around the Worldnew

In his own way, Jeff Hoke embodied the growing stature of the Alternative Press Expo's art form, which spans generations, and has gained momentum in the move from obscure subculture to piercing niches in the mainstream. Though he’s part of a genre that’s growing, Hoke admits he’s still got some ways to go.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Walter Ryce  |  02-22-2010  |  Original Work

Illustrator Chris Lane Plays Off Our Pathogen Fears in His New Graphic Novelnew

Zombies: A Record of the Year of Infection imagines a public health crisis in the year 2012 caused by a sickness that percolates through the air and gets under people's skin. By the end of the year, more than five billion people have succumbed. The idea is horrifying, but in a weirdly seductive way.
East Bay Express  |  Rachel Swan  |  10-28-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

A Sweet Crop of New Graphic Narrativesnew

Comics. Graphic novels. Sequential-art books. Call them what you will, but there are more of them than ever. Here's a rundown on some of the best from the past few months.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  10-15-2009  |  Books

'The Hunter' Flawlessly Brings a Crime Novel to Comicsnew

The Hunter quickly becomes a cascade of sex, murder, and international intrigue, and you just have to root for our antihero—he's just so good at what he does.
The Portland Mercury  |  Paul Constant  |  09-03-2009  |  Fiction

Nate Powell on His Descent into Madnessnew

Powell has long used mental illness as an artistic muse. His new graphic novel Swallow Me Whole has a story line that's entirely inside the main character's head, with no explanation of what she is thinking.
East Bay Express  |  Rachel Swan  |  10-29-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Jonathan Ames Plays an Anti-Superhero in the Graphic Novel 'The Alcoholic'new

The Alcoholic is destined to become a classic, and Ames owes a large part of this to the graphic skills of Dean Haspiel. There's something irresistibly resonant about Haspiel's style, especially in Jonathan A.'s early years as an ordinary self-loathing teen.
Montreal Mirror  |  Juliet Waters  |  10-10-2008  |  Fiction

Pulp Mag Reprints Find an Audience ... Againnew

A publisher quaintly called Nostalgia Ventures offers us a peek into the national fantasies of the last time America was broke, whipped, and paranoid all at once.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Ron Garmon  |  09-26-2008  |  Books

Guy Delisle's New Graphic Memoir Recalls Heat and Oppression in Rangoonnew

The Burma Chronicles, Guy Delisle's latest work of graphic memoir/reportage, doesn't necessarily paint a rosier picture of Burma, but it does offer punctuated moments of hope and a neat delineation of life in the third-world country.
Charleston City Paper  |  Eric Liebetrau  |  09-24-2008  |  Nonfiction

Kansas Rep. Raised $100,000 for His Campaign with a Web Comicnew

Sean Tevis, a 39-year-old information architect from Olathe, Kansas, raised $100,000 for his state-rep campaign with an internet comic.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jonathan Seitz  |  08-14-2008  |  Politics

Repression Illustrated: People's History in a Graphic Formatnew

National Lampoon/Heavy Metal illustrator Rick Geary’s graphic bio of the notorious FBI strongman, J. Edgar Hoover, and American Splendor author Harvey Pekar’s anthology of new-left living-history reminiscences, Students for a Democratic Society are well-drawn histories.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  07-03-2008  |  Nonfiction

Graphic Novelist Hope Larson Debuts New Booknew

Larson, a rising star in the world of graphic novels, is back with her new tale of two nerdy girls at summer camp, Chiggers.
Mountain Xpress  |  Anne Fitten Glenn  |  06-26-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'Potential' Serves Teen Angst, Straight Upnew

Ariel Schrag didn't survive the Holocaust or flee the Ayatollah, but her comics find meaning all the same.
Chicago Reader  |  Noah Berlatsky  |  06-24-2008  |  Nonfiction

New Comics and Graphic Novels for Summertime Readingnew

Scorching temperatures and soaring prices at the gas pump may make staying close to home sound like a sweet option this summer. Luckily, a bumper crop of superhero stories and graphic flights of fancy are available this year to entertain you throughout 2008's hottest months.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jason A. Zwiker  |  06-18-2008  |  Books

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