AltWeeklies Wire

Obama Campaign is Targeting Ohio's Reddest Countiesnew

The Democrats hopes to win the swing state by chipping away at Republican strongholds in Butler, Clermont and Warren counties.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Steve Rosen  |  10-24-2008  |  Politics

Going Inside Both Presidential Campaigns in Floridanew

I spent a week volunteering for both campaigns to get a perspective most reporters must speculate about from the outside. And because I wanted unvarnished access, not a public relations tour, I engaged in the ethically murky but necessary practice of concealing my role as a reporter.
Orlando Weekly  |  Adriana Ruiz  |  10-23-2008  |  Politics

Sarahs for Obamanew

The "My Name is Sarah" web project offers pitches for Obama from swing-state voters named Sarah.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sara Faith Alterman  |  10-23-2008  |  Politics

Advocates Question New Mexico's Election-Night Processnew

The enormous interest generated by the 2008 presidential election, along with past discrepancies at the polls and New Mexico's status as a battleground state, has voter-rights advocates paying particular attention to how New Mexicans' votes will be counted on election night.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Mark Sanders  |  10-23-2008  |  Politics

In N.C., Buncombe County Party Chairs Gear Up for Election Daynew

With North Carolina dubbed a "swing state" in the presidential race and many state and local offices also up for grabs, both parties -- and their leaders -- are facing one of the most closely watched elections in recent memory.
Mountain Xpress  |  David Forbes  |  10-22-2008  |  Politics

Charlottesville Sees Double-Digit Increase in Voter Registrationnew

Before the votes can be tallied, the voters must be tallied. Local registrars have been slowly shoveling themselves out from the flurry of paperwork they received around the October 6 voter registration deadline.
C-Ville Weekly  |  John Robinson  |  10-22-2008  |  Politics

Get Out and Vote Tour with the Beastie Boysnew

When Beastie Boys recently announced a Get Out and Vote Tour that was going to hit all of the "swing states" for the upcoming election, I immediately thought of North Carolina being one of those states.
Creative Loafing (Charlotte)  |  Jeff Hahne  |  10-21-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Is Nevada Still a Battleground State? (And Other Buring Questions)new

Because this is, as they say, the Most Important Election of Our Lives, we got the answers to a few burning political questions as the campaign swings into the home stretch.
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Ken Miller  |  10-17-2008  |  Politics

Going Door-to-Door for Obama in North Vegasnew

I've come to believe that in my own small way I've helped to allow the takeover of Washington by the present coalition of free-market buccaneers, armchair imperialists and religious zealots -- whose supporters have been all too eager to do the grunt work of politics. And so I take my clipboard and trudge forward in the 97-degree heat.
L.A. Weekly  |  Steven Mikulan  |  10-10-2008  |  Politics

Count Every Vote New Mexico Brings a Voter-Protection Program to the Statenew

The New Mexico battle between McCain and Obama is almost certain to be a tight one. Several down-ticket races are just as exciting with a slew of hotly contested federal and state legislative fights to be decided on Nov. 4. With so much on the line, it's more important than ever for voters to have accurate information.
Weekly Alibi  |  Steven Robert Allen  |  10-07-2008  |  Commentary

Obama's Chance to Make Sure He Leaves No LGBTQ Vote Behind in Phillynew

Every election year, Philadelphia's OutFest becomes ground zero for local and state politicians hoping to win the gay vote. This year, the stakes are even higher: The votes of Philly's LGBTQ community will help decide where Pennsylvania falls in the presidential race.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Timothy J. McLaughlin  |  10-06-2008  |  Politics

The Virginia GOP Pulls Out All the Stopsnew

Unless we're mistaken, the party is attempting the most complex, awe-inspiring and diabolical use of reverse psychology ever perpetrated upon the voting public to help McCain take the White House.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Dan Catalano  |  10-01-2008  |  Politics

McCain or Obama: Who's Better for Nevada's Biggest Industry?new

Since ours is a battleground state, and our economy relies on tourism and gaming, we thought it was time to see whose greased palm we might want picking up the phone when our gaming leaders call needing a favor (or three).
Las Vegas Weekly  |  Damon Hodge  |  09-19-2008  |  Politics

New Hampshire is Up for Grabs in Novembernew

There is no big secret to the gush of interest in the Granite State, which has affixed itself to the short list of presidential battlegrounds.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  09-18-2008  |  Commentary

Is it Possible to Understand Minnesota's Politics? You Betchanew

In our own quiet way, we're thrilled to be living in a battleground state, but to understand Minnesota politics today, visitors will have to understand what came before. To help, here's a look back at the most memorable moments in our political history.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Matthew Smith  |  08-28-2008  |  Politics

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