AltWeeklies Wire
Former Alt-Weekly Editor Tries Experimental Magnetic Depression Therapynew

How an experimental treatment for major depression introduced former San Antonio Current editor Greg Harman to the medical magnet and the return of 'energetic' medicine.
Austin Chronicle |
Greg Harman |
08-26-2013 |
Playing Games with Painnew

Texas bill would ban abortion after "fetal pain"
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
04-16-2013 |
The War on Women
Homophobia in West Texasnew

Members of an Austin-area playhouse try to shut down a play that features two gay characters.
Austin Chronicle |
Matthew Irwin |
11-16-2012 |
Your Word Is Your Bondnew

Travis County moves toward broader pretrial release of the accused. Commercial bondsmen say it will never work.
Austin Chronicle |
10-17-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: bonds
Fighting for Justicianew

Workers Defense Project celebrates 10 years on the front lines of Texas labor.
Austin Chronicle |
Nora Ankrum |
09-24-2012 |
Business & Labor
Tags: latino, worker's rights
Death Row Inmate Hoping for Supreme Interventionnew

The Court of Criminal Appeals last week denied a stay of execution for Robert Wayne Harris, convicted in 2000 of killing two people during a shooting spree at the Mi-T-Fine Car Wash in Irving. Unless the federal courts intervene, on Sept. 20 he'll be the eighth man executed in Texas this year.
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
09-18-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Death Penalty, Death Row
APD's Sleep Disordernew

Detective Amy Lynch was a highly praised veteran officer – until she told her bosses she'd been diagnosed with narcolepsy.
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
08-24-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: police, narcolepsy
End of the Line for Cartoonists?new

As print media money dries up, political cartoonists look to the web.
Austin Chronicle |
Dan Solomon |
07-13-2012 |
Tags: Jen Sorensen, Tom Tomorrow
Pennies From Heavennew

The new streaming economy is here, with or without royalties.
Austin Chronicle |
Doug Freeman |
05-21-2012 |
Tags: Music Business, Streaming Music
Life in Prison for Hempnew

José Peña brought some roadside weeds home from Kansas. Cops decided it was reefer, and a Texas court sentenced him to life in prison – without the evidence. It took a decade for Peña to get back some of the pieces of his life.
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
03-21-2012 |
The Growing Irrelevancy of Rick Perrynew

Ever wonder whether the Rick Perry campaign looks back with fondness on those happy days mere months ago when Saturday Night Live would mock him mercilessly? Back when he was relevant? If his also-ran performance at Saturday's ABC Debate is any measure, don't expect too many more SNL skits.
Austin Chronicle |
Austin Chronicle Newsdesk |
01-09-2012 |
Perry the Executionernew

Texas leads the country in executions, and Rick Perry holds the record tally.
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
09-16-2011 |
Policy Issues
The Science of Injusticenew

Capital murder case highlights Texas courts' resistance to physical evidence.
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
08-18-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Larry Swearingen, Melissa Trotter
Radio Snack: Food on the airwaves in Austinnew

Radio remains important to many people as a source of information, entertainment, and tribal connection. Music, news, sports, politics, gossip, religion, drama, and humor all have places across the spectrum of what we still call the dial. Food is no exception.
Austin Chronicle |
MM Pack |
07-15-2011 |
The Right Snuffnew

Who is Artly Snuff, and why does he matter?
Austin Chronicle |
Margaret Moser |
07-08-2011 |