AltWeeklies Wire
Sister Actnew

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's little-known sister is a lobbyist for lucrative doctor-owned hospitals.
The Texas Observer |
Andrew Wheat |
10-14-2012 |
Tags: Rick Perry
Activists Demand Perry Return Taxpayer Money Spent While Campaigningnew

The head of the Texas House chamber’s Democratic Caucus is calling on former presidential contender Gov. Rick Perry to reimburse state taxpayers for millions of dollars spent while campaigning for a shot at the White House.
The American Independent News Network |
Mary Tuma |
01-24-2012 |
Tags: Rick Perry, Election 2012
South Carolina Solidifying Reputation as Political Minefieldnew

Despite a calmer-than-normal start, South Carolina is upholding its reputation as the political minefield of the early nominating contests with just two days to go before the critical first-in-the-South GOP primary.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
01-20-2012 |
Texas Gets Pass to Enforce 'Empowering' Pre-Abortion Sonogram Lawnew

In the past, appellate court's Chief Judge Edith Jones has supported Supreme Court review of Roe v. Wade.
The Texas Observer |
Patrick Michels |
01-11-2012 |
The War on Women
Rick Perry proposes to make Washington inconsequentialnew

Rick Perry's Unique Ideas: Eliminating earmarks. Making Congress a part-time job.
Charleston City Paper |
Rick Perry |
01-11-2012 |
The Growing Irrelevancy of Rick Perrynew

Ever wonder whether the Rick Perry campaign looks back with fondness on those happy days mere months ago when Saturday Night Live would mock him mercilessly? Back when he was relevant? If his also-ran performance at Saturday's ABC Debate is any measure, don't expect too many more SNL skits.
Austin Chronicle |
Austin Chronicle Newsdesk |
01-09-2012 |
Texas vs. EPAnew

As 2011 dawned, state leaders were openly refusing to abide by new nationwide greenhouse gas emissions standards.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Barajas |
12-30-2011 |
Perry wants to bring back Don't Ask Don't Tell, school prayernew

GOP contender waxes hawkish, praises veterans at U.S.S. Yorktown.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
12-12-2011 |
Rick Perry's Manufactured Miraclenew

Rick Perry's Texas is a job-making, low-taxing oasis of prosperity. It's also pure fantasy.
Dallas Observer |
Jim Schutze |
10-06-2011 |
Policy Issues
Rick Perry and the Curious Case of 'Niggerhead' Ranchnew

Rick Perry is between a rock (with a racial epithet painted on it) and a hard place. He's the governor of a border state with an enormous Latino population, and his efforts to not demonize all of them as potential illegal immigrants have already left him castigated by the Tea Party.
The Village Voice |
Steven Thrasher |
10-04-2011 |
Tags: Rick Perry, Election 2012
GOP Intelligentsia's Latest Hope: Waiting (Again) on Christie?new

Many conservative thinkers are saying it's over for Perry, and beginning (again) for Christie.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Mitch Perry |
09-26-2011 |
The Boy from Haskellnew

Rick Perry's small-town Texas politics.
The Texas Observer |
Saul Elbein |
09-23-2011 |
Perry the Executionernew

Texas leads the country in executions, and Rick Perry holds the record tally.
Austin Chronicle |
Jordan Smith |
09-16-2011 |
Policy Issues
People’s Capitalism Is Dead!new
With two of the three leading Republican candidates for president threatening to set up a new Christian theocracy, this next election may be our last. We know that it will be brutal, the Republicans will use every cheap bullying lie and tactic that they can, and we’ll end up with America’s first fascist state if they prevail.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
08-26-2011 |
How Does Rick Perry Get Away With It?new
Rick Perry. The name alone is enough to elicit chuckles. Big hat. Silly boots. Cowboy swagger.
The Texas governor likes to hold stadium-sized prayer rallies in which he fills a fraction of the stadium and talks to God. Two years ago he held a rally to ask God for rain. Today, Texas still bakes in a historic drought, suggesting that if there is a God, he's got better things to do than listen to Perry.
Charleston City Paper |
Will Moredock |
08-24-2011 |