AltWeeklies Wire

Cartoon: Tax Summitnew

Obama wants the jobless to wait for his "jobs forum" to work. Why shouldn't he wait too?
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-25-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Jobs of the Futurenew

Obama is pushing education. But there are no jobs.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-25-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: More is Lessnew

Obama is sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. You know, to get out quicker.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-25-2009  |  Cartoons

Thanks to the Millennials, the Generation Gap is Back

This generation gap is the opposite of previous versions, in which young insurgents attacked their elders for being too arch and moralistic. Like Mulder in The X Files, they desperately want to believe: their leaders, their government, their corporate executives. And they really want to believe in technology.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-24-2009  |  Culture

America on Trial, via Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Never mind the Constitution, the Geneva Conventions or common decency -- on the question of what to do about POWs rotting away at Guantanamo Bay concentration camp, right-wingers' concerns are purely practical.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-19-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Cartoon: Democrat Lady and Her Republican Friendnew

After eight years of apologizing for Bush, Republicans get their revenge.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-12-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Fort Hood, Afghan Editionnew

A Talib goes berserk at a training camp, and a nation mourns.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-12-2009  |  Cartoons

The Difference Between Deaths Here and 'Over There'

Thirteen soldiers die in Texas and it's all we talk about. Two million die in Afghanistan and Iraq and we don't notice -- and we don't even want to hear about it.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-12-2009  |  War

Dithering While America Sneezes

America's scandalous lame (non-)response to the swine flu pandemic isn't a big deal. Not compared to, say, the melting of the polar ice cap. It isn't torture. Or war. It pales next to giving hundreds of billions of dollars to wealthy bankers and nothing to homeowners facing foreclosure. But it sure is interesting.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-05-2009  |  Science

Cartoon: Liberals Make a Differencenew

It's different now that liberals are doing the bombing.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-02-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: In the Future

In the future, people who live in states without government healthcare will make a mad dash for the border if they get insured.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-29-2009  |  Cartoons

Why Hasn't Obama Abrogated Bush's Controversial Executive Orders?

Simply put, no one man -- not even a nice, articulate, charismatic one -- ought to claim the right to suspend a person's constitutional rights. Not in America. Certainly no one man -- not even a young, handsome, likeable one -- should be able to have anyone he wants whacked.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-27-2009  |  War

Animated Cartoon: One Nation, Two Systems of Justicenew

George W. Bush is now enjoying his ninth month of retirement -- and there isn't even the slightest interest in holding him accountable, much less throwing him in prison.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-27-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: X-Treme Democracynew

Hamid Karzai finally sees reason...
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-21-2009  |  Cartoons

Drop the Drones: Remote Attacks Inflame Afghan Anti-Americanism

To Afghans on the ground, drones symbolize American callousness and project a smug sense of superiority -- because they protect us at the Afghans' expense.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  10-21-2009  |  War

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