AltWeeklies Wire
MUSC Research Could Lead to Alzheimer's Treatmentnew

If researchers find a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease in the next decade, it might be because of a recent study conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Mark S. Kindy, an MUSC professor, was the lead investigator in a study that focused on cathepsin B (also known as CatB), an enzyme that has been shown to generate brain plaque.
Charleston City Paper |
Paul Bowers |
04-13-2012 |
Policy Issues
Thanks to the Millennials, the Generation Gap is Back
This generation gap is the opposite of previous versions, in which young insurgents attacked their elders for being too arch and moralistic. Like Mulder in The X Files, they desperately want to believe: their leaders, their government, their corporate executives. And they really want to believe in technology.
Cartoon: In the Year 2525new

In the year 2525, as the old song goes, we'll still be putting up with Boomer nostalgia about Woodstock.
The Demise of a Big-Box Retailer Reminds Us of How the Dr. Spock Generation Blew Itnew
Some blame Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae; others, the banks or the global market. That’s because the analysts are looking at the hands on the clock of fate. I say, look at the face of the clock. If you look closely, you’ll see the face of the Baby Boomer.
Las Vegas Weekly |
H. Lee Barnes |
02-12-2009 |
Housing & Development
Tags: Development, Baby Boomers
Obama: Smells Like Bob Dylan

Barack Obama passes himself off as America's first Generation X president. When it comes to his personal style and politics, however, he identifies with the Boomers.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
12-10-2008 |
Bill Bentley Creates Website for Boomer Music Fansnew
April marked the launch of Sonic Boomers (, a website Bentley hopes will serve as something like Pitchfork for the older set, or maybe something like No Depression on the web.
Houston Press |
John Nova Lomax |
06-24-2008 |
Warner Bros. Vet Launches Music Site for Baby Boomersnew
Bill Bentley creation Sonic Boomers is a website featuring music from the sixties and seventies.
'X Saves the World' Gets Motivational for the Unmotivatednew
Just as Tom Brokaw's books remind us how everyone born right after 1945 is a worthless piece of shit, so Gordinier focuses on how super-great Xers are.
The Portland Mercury |
Temple Lentz |
04-10-2008 |