AltWeeklies Wire
Our guide to the Pitchfork Music Festivalnew

In the past few years Pitchfork has started booking a stage at Primavera Sound in Spain and collaborated with All Tomorrow's Parties for a festival in the UK, and this fall it launches a festival in Paris. But Chicago is still the influential online music magazine's home base, and the 2011 Pitchfork Music Festival is the seventh large-scale event it's hosted here.
Chicago Reader |
Miles Raymer, Peter Margasak, Kevin Warwick, Bill Meyer and Leor Galil and Mara Shalhoup |
07-14-2011 |
Bill Bentley Creates Website for Boomer Music Fansnew
April marked the launch of Sonic Boomers (, a website Bentley hopes will serve as something like Pitchfork for the older set, or maybe something like No Depression on the web.
Houston Press |
John Nova Lomax |
06-24-2008 |
A Pack of Muttsnew
The mongrels and strays are the very albums one writer loves -- the ones that are too artsy and meandering for No Depression, too rootsy and plainspoken for Pitchfork and too concise for the hippies at Relix.
Dallas Observer |
John Nova Lomax |
12-29-2005 |
Men of Mysterynew
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah ride a quiet wave of on-line hype.
Boston Phoenix |
Camille Dodero |
10-24-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Rock by Numbers
To determine if there's any rhyme or reason to music writing on the Web, guitarist Loren Wilson analyzed the language used in record reviews on
Chicago Reader |
J. Niimi |
07-20-2004 |
Pitchfork's Progress: Influential E-Zine Gets Spoofednew
The funniest Onion-esque fake news story penned so far this year sprang from Sub Pop Records, which deserves full credit for "Pitchfork Staff Member Says 'Hi' to Real-Life Woman."
East Bay Express |
Rob Harvilla |
07-16-2004 |
Tags: Illinois, Chicago, record labels, Minnesota, Pitchfork, Minneapolis, a Pitchfork writer and advertising director, Anniversary's album Your Majesty, bootlegged videos, Canadian art-rock collective Broken Social Scene's You Forgot It in People, Chris Jacobs, Eric Carr, Pitchfork mastermind Ryan Schreiber, staff writer Brent DiCrescenzo, Sub Pop's marketing director and unofficial ringleader of the Popdork parody