AltWeeklies Wire
Dithering While America Sneezes
America's scandalous lame (non-)response to the swine flu pandemic isn't a big deal. Not compared to, say, the melting of the polar ice cap. It isn't torture. Or war. It pales next to giving hundreds of billions of dollars to wealthy bankers and nothing to homeowners facing foreclosure. But it sure is interesting.
Swine Flu Summit Aims to 'Keep the World Working' During Pandemicnew
Business leaders from the largest corporations in the United States come to Minneapolis, with purses full of hand sanitizer, to learn how to cope with swine flu.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Bradley Campbell |
09-30-2009 |
Five Ways New Mexico is Connected to the Beijing Olympic Controversiesnew
Tibet, Falun Gong, Darfur, poisoned imports and the threat of pandemics all hang over the games. And while these serious problems will likely continue long past the Beijing Olympics, the event presents the perfect opportunity for the world to protest and, perhaps, for China to listen.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Dave Maass |
05-15-2008 |