AltWeeklies Wire
'Always Sunny' is the Meanest Show on Televisionnew
Saying the characters in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia are cruel is like saying Michael Phelps can swim.
Weekly Alibi |
Simon McCormack |
10-07-2008 |
'Mayan Cuisine' Cookbook is Not for Beginnersnew

Regardless of my inability to re-create the recipes in Daniel Hoyer's Mayan Cuisine: Recipes from the Yucatan Region, the book is still amazing. Well-researched and impeccably compiled, it's at least a fascinating read.
Weekly Alibi |
Maren Tarro |
10-07-2008 |
Count Every Vote New Mexico Brings a Voter-Protection Program to the Statenew
The New Mexico battle between McCain and Obama is almost certain to be a tight one. Several down-ticket races are just as exciting with a slew of hotly contested federal and state legislative fights to be decided on Nov. 4. With so much on the line, it's more important than ever for voters to have accurate information.
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Steven Robert Allen |
10-07-2008 |
Politicians Rake it in While America Suffersnew
Demand for American-made cars and other manufactured goods may be declining in the U.S. Housing prices may be nose-diving. But we seem to have an insatiable urge to give money to American politicians, and we're willing to give more than ever. What exactly do we hope to get for all this money?
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Jim Scarantino |
10-07-2008 |
A Brief and Wondrous Interview with Junot Diaznew

Diaz is the "It Kid" in literature today. The author of the 1996 short story collection Drown, he was awarded this year's Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for his first novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.
Weekly Alibi |
Erin Adair-Hodges |
09-23-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Pulitzer Prize, Junot Diaz
Unclassifiably Original 17 Hippies Merges East and West in Dance Grooves Galorenew

When you slide Heimlich, the latest CD from 17 Hippies, into the computer, the disc obligingly gives up the expected data: album name, track titles, artist, etc. It's all pretty straightforward until you get to "genre."
What you get isn't even "other"; it's "unclassifiable."
Weekly Alibi |
Mel Minter |
09-23-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: 17 Hippies, Heimlich
Five Shows to Watch Before the New Season Beginsnew

With the new fall TV schedule getting underway, now's the perfect time to play catch-up, renting "Complete First Season" DVDs for shows you might have missed on the first go-around. Here are our top choices to get you prepped for premiere week.
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Devin D. O’Leary |
09-23-2008 |
In Search of the Mesanew

A writer seeks out the mesa from the documentary, Off the Grid: Life on the Mesa.
Weekly Alibi |
Maren Tarro |
09-23-2008 |
New Mexico Tries to Figure Out How to Get Medical Cannabis to Patientsnew
The Compassionate Use Act, passed in 2007, calls for the state's Department of Health to build regulations that would govern the production and distribution system for medical marijuana. But it doesn't outline how -- and that's become the real sticking point.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
09-16-2008 |
'Primeval' is Fun, Sci-Fi Filler from the BBCnew
In short: CGI dinosaurs, sci-fi geekery, a time-traveling conspiracy theory and a cute Brit in pink knickers make for a well-spent Saturday night.
Weekly Alibi |
Devin D. O'Leary |
09-16-2008 |
Valerie Plame Wilson Discusses Her Memoir, FISA and Her Move to New Mexiconew

Valerie Plame Wilson's identity is no longer a secret. Five years and two lawsuits later, neither is her story. In her October 2007 memoir, Fair Game: How a Top CIA Agent Was Betrayed by Her Own Government, former agent Wilson chronicles how her life shifted from serving her country to suing her country.
Weekly Alibi |
Aeriel Emig |
07-29-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
New Mexico Jail-Based Charter School is First of its Kind in the USnew
Named for a man who worked to promote literacy and education in the jail (and who wore a Santa suit during Christmas family days there), the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center aims to graduate some of the estimated 40 percent of inmates without diplomas.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
07-29-2008 |
Crime & Justice
'Project Runway' is Too Much Like Itselfnew
I had high hopes. The fashion reality series is probably one of the only shows I take in religiously, waiting each week for the next episode. But the premiere of season five offered no surprises.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
07-29-2008 |
Middle-Aged ABBA Musical Not Quite as Cringetastic as Those Words Implynew
1994's Muriel's Wedding used the title character’s obsession with the '70s Swedish quartet's glittery lady-music to underscore Muriel's disconnected idealization of romance, glamour and marriage-centered happiness, an obsession that leaves her struggling to construct a true sense of self. Mamma Mia!, on the other hand, features ABBA as a way to ... sing along to ABBA songs. And dance.
Weekly Alibi |
Erin Adair-Hodges |
07-29-2008 |
Beer's Summer of the Can Continuesnew

Thanks to Oskar Blues, the Colorado-based brewery we recently praised for canning their brews, we're reverting to the metal vessel that, for most kids' high school years, was the definitive method of putting beer in one's body.
Weekly Alibi |
Evan George and Alex Brown |
07-29-2008 |