AltWeeklies Wire
How to Save CNN

When Ted Turner invented cable news in 1980 with the launch of Cable News Network, he said he wanted the news to be the star, not the talking heads. It's been almost 30 years now and the monster he created is killing its creator.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
11-24-2009 |
Reclaiming Stolen History

Meet Boilerplate, History’s Mechanical Marvel.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
11-24-2009 |
Walking the Tricky Tightrope: How Can We Solve the Economic Crisis?

Forests are restored by fire, and so are markets. In a real market, I'd be inclined to say we should let it burn. What grows up to replace the old forest is always healthier. But thanks to greed and mismanagement, ours has clearly become a fake, faith-based market. So we're left to attempt to bring our economy in for a soft landing, hopefully enabling the kind of fresh start we need without endangering people's money.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
09-24-2008 |
Yet Another Election-Year Media Muddle
For the third time this decade, the mainstream media is making a big election all about small things.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
09-10-2008 |
The Democratic Veepstakes Winners

Colin Powell and other vice president picks so crazy they might just work for Obama.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
06-11-2008 |
'Nixonland' Underlines the Real Lesson of 1968

Today that lesson teaches that we should seek a president who can heal the still-festering wounds of race and class, who can lead us out of war and who can move us past the political purgatory Perlstein calls Nixonland. But by invoking that sad chapter in our history, Hillary Clinton has cast herself in the Dick Nixon role.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
05-29-2008 |
Dealing with Wii-jection

If your kids want a Wii under the tree, you better get your game on.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
12-14-2007 |
Video Games
The Rove Primary
If Karl Rove gets his wish, the GOP can run an all-Hillary-hating-all-the-time campaign.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
09-07-2007 |
Bubble Trouble
The mortgage crisis is bringing America's faith-based economy closer to judgment day.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
08-10-2007 |
Clairvoyant Archaeology
In his latest book, Craig Childs tracks the vanished Anasazi across the Southwest.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
05-02-2007 |
Tags: Craig Childs, House of Rain
Dr. Luntzenstein

In Words That Work, is Frank Luntz trying to kill the monster he created or just get people to stop calling him Orwellian?
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
02-23-2007 |
Tags: Frank Luntz, Words That Work
Barack Star
As presidential politics creep up earlier and earlier, here's a case against Hillary Clinton and for Barack Obama.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
01-25-2007 |
Miracle in Montana

The Democrats' missing message has been found in the mountains of Montana.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
10-06-2006 |
Willful Ignorance
Our brains are too big to bury in the sand over global warming.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor Jr. |
04-13-2006 |
Downward Mobility

Washington’s 5th District tells the twisting tale of the Republican Party since 1994.
The Inlander |
Ted S. McGregor jr. |
03-07-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect