AltWeeklies Wire
Thom Hartmann's Latests Explains How to Think Like a Republicannew
Cracking the Code explains how the left wing can exploit the techniques of the right. While that sounds like a snoozy topic, Hartmann drops in enough anecdotes and ripped-from-the-headlines (or, from politicians' speeches and campaign ads) examples to keep it lively.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
12-04-2008 |
We Protested Prop. 8 ... Now What?new
With all of this talk of moving forward and looking to the future, what can we do to achieve full equality? In Oregon, Measure 36 still bars marriage equality on a constitutional level, and it'll take a tough and expensive ballot measure fight to repeal. The anti-gay activists at Concerned Oregonians are also reorganizing, and will likely try to roll back domestic partnerships next year.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
11-20-2008 |
Let's Blow Stuff Up!new
"Don't try this at home, kids. This is not Jackass," warned Matt Staab, a chemistry teacher at Cleveland High School, as he put on goggles and started rummaging around in a green plastic box marked "Explosives Kit." His trucker cap said "I [Heart] Chemistry."
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
07-03-2008 |
Homeless Protest Stretches on in Portlandnew
On May 13, with the homeless protesters in front of city hall facing enforcement of the city's camping ordinance, five representatives sat down with Mayor Tom Potter. The meeting did not go so well.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz and Matt Davis |
05-15-2008 |
Housing & Development
Is Oregon's Anti-Gay Initiative Effort on the Verge of Failure?new
Even if the Supreme Court OKs the petitions in the next few weeks, the anti-gay activists would have just two months to collect 82,769 valid signatures -- or 34,590 more than they failed to collect before, with one month less to do it.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
05-01-2008 |
Oregon's Democratic Senate Candidates Go Head to Headnew
Oregon House Speaker Jeff Merkley and political activist Steve Novick are vying for the chance to take on incumbent Senator Gordon Smith -- a vulnerable Republican with a multi-million-dollar war chest.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
04-10-2008 |
Selling Obama Door to Door in Oregonnew
With just over seven weeks to go before the state's primary on May 20, Barack Obama supporters kick off his Oregon campaign.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
04-03-2008 |
Portland's Bridge to Disasternew
A proposed mew 12-lane bridge over the Columbia River will cost $4.2 billion, increase traffic, and do little to alleviate climate change. What the hell are we thinking?
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
03-13-2008 |
Tags: transportation
Another Anti-Gay Initiative Filed in Oregonnew
Less than a month after same-sex couples started registering as domestic partners under a state law that lets them enjoy the same state rights and responsibilities as their married opposite-sex counterparts, anti-gay activists filed an initiative to repeal the law.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
03-06-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Oregon's Domestic Partnership Law Runs into Murky Watersnew
The law is supposed to give registered same-sex couples the same state rights and responsibilities that marriage laws provide for opposite-sex couples -- but it remains to be seen if the separate institution will truly be equal.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
02-21-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Domestic Blissnew
Federal judge clears the path for domestic partnerships in Oregon.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
02-08-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Goin' to the Courthousenew
Attorneys for the State of Oregon, Basic Rights Oregon, and Alliance Defense Fund have been flinging briefs at the US District Court for more than a week, preparing for a February 1 hearing that will determine if, and when, same-sex couples can secure the state rights and responsibilities of marriage.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
02-01-2008 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties
Blind Spot of Justice?new
Prosecutors decline to charge driver who killed cyclist.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
01-17-2008 |
Tags: transportation
Gay Rights Advocates Prep for Domestic Partnership Hearingnew
On Feb. 1, Judge Michae Mosman will hear from the anti-gay activists' attorneys, who allege that state and county elections officials improperly tossed out signatures from a referendum petition aiming to put the domestic partnership law to a vote this fall.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
01-10-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Anti-Gay Activists Seek Injunction in Oregonnew
Less than a week before same-sex couples will be allowed to form domestic partnerships, attorneys for anti-gay activists will be in federal court, asking a judge for a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction to stop the new law from taking effect.
The Portland Mercury |
Amy J. Ruiz |
12-27-2007 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues