AltWeeklies Wire
The World is Watchingnew

Don't want the government, big industry, and some 15 year old to know your secrets? You're shit out of luck.
Portland Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
09-30-2010 |
Observations and Stories About Sex and Dating in the 21st Centurynew
I'm obsessed with talking about sex and dating. You're obsessed with it too, whether you like to admit it or not. Everyone is.
Portland Phoenix |
Your Secret Admirer |
03-05-2009 |
Meet the Retrosexuals ... Againnew

Enabled by Facebook, more people are rewinding their own lives, digging into their past to emerge with a current romantic partner.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
01-22-2009 |

You've heard of Manhattanhenge. Portland, Maine, has Portlandhenge. Do your city's streets line up with the sun at the equinoxes?
Portland Phoenix |
Christian McNeil |
09-25-2008 |
Oh, You Like Melville?new
Five books to land your first college mate - what they say about you, why others will notice them, and - crucially - what you should say about the books to maximize your chances.
Portland Phoenix |
Christopher Gray |
08-29-2008 |
All Pets Go To Heavennew

A pet crematorium gives humans' best friends the goodbyes they deserve.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
07-17-2008 |
Do You Have Any Treasures In Your Attic?new
If you've got old books, you might not win the library lottery, but you might have something worth a few hundred dollars.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
07-03-2008 |
Modifications to the MLK Memorialnew
A cartoon about art committees.
Portland Phoenix |
David Kish |
07-03-2008 |
Tags: cartoons
Why Drink Organic Booze?new
There might be a practical reason: fewer, or less-aggressive, hangovers. As someone who suffers from mean mornings-after, this is great news.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
06-12-2008 |
Corporate Shopping Alternativenew
To me, the environmental benefit of community-supported agriculture has less to do with quasi-controversial "food miles" (some say that long-distance shipping can be more efficient than local trips), than it does with community involvement, and connection with my food.
Portland Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
03-19-2008 |
How Good A Carpenter Was Jesus?new
A cartoon illustrating some of Jesus's carpentry.
Portland Phoenix |
David Kish |
03-19-2008 |
Tags: cartoons
Beat the Clocknew
"The Earth is a terrible timekeeper," says Geoff Chester, the spokesman for this country's official clock-master, the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC. That is only part of why we have Leap Days and Leap Years, and also Leap Seconds, Leap Weeks, and Leap Months.
Portland Phoenix |
Jeff Inglis |
02-28-2008 |
Hoopleville: Celebrating 500 Years of Artists Working Themselves to Deathnew
A year-in-review cartoon of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Portland Phoenix |
David Kish |
12-27-2007 |
Tags: cartoons
2007: United in Contempt ... Almostnew
A year-in-review cartoon about impeachment.
Portland Phoenix |
David Kish |
12-20-2007 |
Tags: cartoons
Evel Deadnew
The most famous motorcycle daredevil of all time pulled off his final and most surprising achievement: Evel Knievel died in his bed, something that other professional death-taunters, like Houdini, Steve Irwin, Dale Earnhardt, and Karl Wallenda never managed.
Portland Phoenix |
Rick Wormwood |
12-07-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness