AltWeeklies Wire
The Murder of Dr. George Tiller Recalls the Long History of Anti-Abortion Violencenew
Angela Williams of Chapel Hill recalls an experience 20 years ago in which she faced down abortion opponents organized by Operation Rescue and became convinced of their violent extremism.
INDY Week |
Angela Williams as told to Fiona Morgan |
06-04-2009 |
The War on Women
Raleigh's Cuban Community: Their Views on Obama's New Diplomacynew

Local exiles reacts as President Barack Obama rolls back some of George W. Bush's most ineffective stances toward Cuba, primarily related to the migration of Cubans.
INDY Week |
Matt Saldana |
06-04-2009 |
N.C. Gov.'s Budget Balancing: So far, Not So Badnew
Gov. Bev Perdue's austerity budget proposal, unveiled last week, earned an overall thumbs-up from the N.C. Justice Center, the progressive think tank in Raleigh that monitors such matters.
North Carolina Town Seeks Authority to Override Homeowners' Associationsnew
Aldermen in Carrboro, N.C. are asking for the authority to "provide by ordinance that no deed restriction or covenant can have the effect of limiting or prohibiting the use of green or sustainability features on a residential property."
INDY Week |
Sam Wardle |
03-05-2009 |
A Proposed Law Could Widen the Gap Between Business and Labornew

The proposed Employee Free Choice Act would ease the rules for union organizing. With just 3.5 percent of its workers paying union dues, North Carolina is the least unionized state in the nation and in the crosshairs of the EFCA debate.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
03-05-2009 |
Business & Labor
N.C. Lawmakers Debate Using Industry-Backed Info on Broadband Accessnew
The people who live in rural Halifax and Nash counties northeast of Raleigh are among the poorest in the state. State Rep. Angela Bryant says that, with all the challenges her constituents face, among their top concerns is a lack of affordable access to the internet.
INDY Week |
Fiona Morgan |
02-05-2009 |
Policy Issues
Lincoln's Banking Crisis and Obama'snew

The parallels between Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln are many, but is there anything in the Lincoln lore to help Obama cope with the raging financial crisis and global economic meltdown he's facing as he takes office? Absolutely there is.
Mass Transit Funding: A Tin Cup for Steel Railsnew
The massive economic stimulus package now being fashioned in Washington is expected to include billions of dollars for mass transit and intercity rail projects. But because of decisions made during the Bush administration, North Carolina's Triangle stands to receive little or none of it, the region's transportation leaders say.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
01-22-2009 |
Tags: North Carolina, transportation
Remembering the Lessons of Harvey Milknew
As the 30th anniversary of his assassination approached last week, coupled with the opening of the new Sean Penn biopic on his life, it became clear that the lessons of Milk are being lost to the newest generation of the LGBT community.
Will North Carolina Resume Executions or Keep the Ban?new
Now that the legal battle over a doctor's role in death row executions is nearing a conclusion, the issue of capital punishment in North Carolina is about to land in the laps of the 2009 General Assembly and Governor-elect Bev Perdue.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
12-04-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Where's the Justice for the GLBT Community?new

How many times this past week have we read -- in regard to Barack Obama's historic victory, or in reference to the passage of the anti-gay measures -- that "the long arc of history bends towards justice." This always sounds patronizing to me, like, "There, there, young fellow. Everything will be just fine. You just wait."
Life After (Peak) Oil: Rethinking Priorities and Kicking the Fuel Habitnew
For those in North Carolina who take the Hubbert Peak seriously, and who see it as occurring not only within their lifetimes but in the next few years, neither future seems likely. Rather, they are preparing for a world without oil by steeling themselves for something in the middle, a world after cheap gasoline and the conveniences that come with it.
INDY Week |
Gerry Canavan and Jaimee Hills |
11-13-2008 |
Erick Daniels is Finally Freenew

Wrongly convicted of robbery, the 22-year-old served seven years before he was exonerated. Last week, Daniels went home for the first time since eighth grade.
INDY Week |
Mosi Secret |
09-25-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Dean Baker: No Blank Check for Wall Streetnew
Done properly, Baker says, the $700 billion "bailout" of Wall Street and the big banks shouldn’t cost the taxpayers a dime. "My view," the progressive economist told the Indy following a speech in Raleigh, "is that [the bailout] is necessary, but if it's structured right, we're not giving the banks anything. We're keeping the banks functioning, and that's in the public interest."
Iraqi Journalist Ahmed Fadaam Talks American Occupation and Sectarian Violencenew
"We're going to have an anti-American generation being built, and prepared, to hate all the Americans. The Iraqis right now know that all Americans are the people wearing uniforms, helmets and sunglasses, and carrying fatal weapons. They don't know that there are people who are family people just like them, people who are trying to live their days, raise their kids and go to their jobs."