AltWeeklies Wire

It's a (Mad) Man's Worldnew

Mad Men is about a segment of society so drunk on its power and influence that the better part of a decade passes before it realizes its time has come and gone.
San Antonio Current  |  Luke Baumgarten  |  07-09-2008  |  TV

Outlaw Wine Series Shows Off Growing Regionsnew

The Ole Imports G series from Vinos Sin Ley (loosely translated as "outlaw wines") is meant to showcase the effect that different growing regions have on a single grape varietal, the garnacha, a grape native to Spain that is called grenache in France and elsewhere.
San Antonio Current  |  Ron Bechtol  |  07-09-2008  |  Food+Drink

Rick Noriega Hopes to Win LBJ's Senate Seat Back for the Demsnew

Conventional wisdom would argue that Noriega, like his Democratic predecessors, is facing long odds. He remains little-known outside his native Houston, he can't compete with John Cornyn's fundraising prowess, and he's an unabashed progressive in a state recognized as one of the most conservative in the nation.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  07-09-2008  |  Politics

Thoughts on Katy Perry's 'I Kissed a Girl'new

"I Kissed a Girl" (currently the number-one single on Billboard) is a love-it-or-hate-it proposition, but if you’re not careful, it'll shatter your critical faculties.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  07-02-2008  |  Music

San Antonian Climbs Mountains for Decade-long Film Projectnew

For 10 Mountains -- 10 Years, the 10-member climbing team known as "The Regulars" is scaling 11,239 feet to the summit of Mt. Hood, the highest peak in the state of Oregon to raise awareness and find cures for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
San Antonio Current  |  Kiko Martinez  |  07-02-2008  |  Movies

Easy as Pie? Yeah Rightnew

Whoever coined the idiom “as easy as pie” probably never made one. Or if he or she did, the dirty cheater used one of those detestable, pre-made crusts and filled it with 19th-century instant pudding.
San Antonio Current  |  Ashley Lindstrom  |  07-02-2008  |  Food+Drink

Rep. Charlie Gonzalez Explains His FISA Misgivingsnew

The Texas Representative stuck to his promise to oppose the FISA reform legislation that the House passed last week if it contained a retroactive immunity provision to protect the telecoms suspected of aiding the Bush Administration in its illegal post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping program.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  07-02-2008  |  Politics

Ramon Hernandez Squeezes a History of Latino Music into His Apartmentnew

In the early 1960s, he began collecting literature, periodicals, recordings, photographs, and other memorabilia on Latinos in the music industry, from the crooners of the '40s to the rock 'n' rollers of the '50s to anyone who has ever been associated with Tejano, conjunto, and musica ranchera.
San Antonio Current  |  Kiko Martinez  |  06-25-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Roman de Gare' is a Story of Reversals and Revengenew

Claude Lelouch's Roman de Gare is full of deceitful characters, all unaware that they are making their way into a novel called God, the Other.
San Antonio Current  |  Ashley Lindstrom  |  06-25-2008  |  Reviews

'The Venture Brothers': A Satire with Consistencynew

The brothers thumbs its nose at the absurdity of the Hardy Boys and Johnny Quest, showing the tremendous folly of seriously engaging in the rhetoric of Good vs. Evil. The world isn't black-and-white.
San Antonio Current  |  Luke Baumgarten  |  06-25-2008  |  TV

'Ninja Gaiden II' Dials Down the Difficultynew

Ryu Harubasa's not the only one dialing down the difficulty a notch or two these days, embracing the zen of a somewhat easier path. Hell, some games even give you the option of switching to the kiddie table in the middle of dinner.
San Antonio Current  |  Aaron R. Conklin  |  06-25-2008  |  Video Games

Pair that Burger with Winenew

The notion of promoting wines as burger partners had its almost-perverse appeal.
San Antonio Current  |  Ron Bechtol  |  06-25-2008  |  Food+Drink

Alejando Escovedo: The Forrest Gump of Musicnew

Whenever seminal events happened, he was usually in the vicinity.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  06-18-2008  |  Reviews

Coldplay Takes a Stab at Respectabilitynew

Despite some genuinely winning moments, it just doesn't cut deep enough.
San Antonio Current  |  Chuck Kerr  |  06-18-2008  |  Reviews

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