AltWeeklies Wire
Girlie Winesnew
No one ever went broke marketing anything to women, so I wasn't surprised to open an e-mailed press release and read about Rainier Wine's new "female-targeted" "lifestyle" brands.
Seattle Weekly |
Laura Cassidy |
03-16-2005 |
David Byrne ♥ PowerPointnew
Appearing in Seattle, Byrne jokingly referred to himself as a stand-up comedian, but the seminal musician is unapologetically seduced by the medium's immediacy and charmingly lo-fi properties.
Seattle Weekly |
Laura Cassidy |
03-09-2005 |
Tags: visual arts
Making Chocolatenew
Only a handful of companies grind their own cocoa beans in the United States, and among them, the competition is ferocious. Now, in Seattle, the Chocolate Company plans to manufacture their own chocolate, emphasizing fresh, organic ingredients.
Seattle Weekly |
Michaelangelo Matos |
02-10-2005 |
Out of Thin Airnew

The writer fell 15 feet while climbing in the North Cascades last summer, and might have died were it not for the people he met along the way.
Seattle Weekly |
Brian Miller |
02-03-2005 |
Tags: recreation
Tough Love for the Artsnew
The arts are a business like any other. It's time to rethink how they're funded, and whether taxpayers should be on the hook for artistic ambitions gone wrong.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
01-19-2005 |
Quality Wine Comes In a Boxnew
You can find Tindindi wine at Northwest Costco stores. The chardonnay is fresh, juicy, round, dry and acidic enough to be voluptuously food-friendly while genteel enough for drinking on its own. The cabernet sauvignon is a marvel.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
01-12-2005 |
The Most Overhyped and Underreported Stories of 2004new
Ronald Reagan's death and the improvement of the economy were among the overhyped stories, while global warming and the use of torture in federal and state prisons went underreported.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-05-2005 |
Shocking Developments of 2004 in Reviewnew
2004 was the year the Rainier Bear was caught on tape drinking beer until it passed out. It's also the year we learned that cradling a warm laptop computer on your crotch can cause sterility.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
01-03-2005 |
Tags: yearinreview 2004, recount
Grass-Fed Meatnew
It's good for cow and chickens and for you, too.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
11-30-2004 |
Paula Poundstone Has Put the Past Behind Hernew
If comedy comes from pain, then Paula Poundstone should be funnier than ever. And as she puts it, "the real joy of a sense of humor is that it gets you through things."
Seattle Weekly |
Steve Wiecking |
11-18-2004 |
Tags: performance
Comics Reliefnew
A year ago, Seattle's Fantagraphics was on the brink of bankruptcy. Now it's in the black, thanks to good ol' Charlie Brown—and a pair of dogged believers who turned a cranky fanzine into the most widely respected comics publisher in America.
Seattle Weekly |
Michaelangelo Matos |
09-15-2004 |
Tags: visual arts
NASCAR's Corporate Hillbillies Are Taking Over American Culturenew

NASCAR's fans are traditionally viewed as gun-owning, car-muscling, Republican men's men. Will NASCAR Dads peacefully co-exist with Soccer Moms as part of the "Dixiefication" of America? Or is this a sport of rugged individuals, fueled by dispossessed, angry outcasts?
Seattle Weekly |
Tim Appelo |
06-30-2004 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Van Gogh Exhibit Visits Seattlenew
This summer the Seattle Art Museum hosts a stellar collection of paintings by the Dutch artist and other modernists from the collection of Holland’s Kröller-Müller Museum.
Seattle Weekly |
Andrew Engelson |
06-08-2004 |
Chefs Visit James Beard Home to Create Feastnew
Unwilling to take a chance on the availability of food and condiments in New York, chefs for a Beard banquet take their support staff and most of the makings with them.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
06-08-2004 |