AltWeeklies Wire
The Historic 2008 Election ... Without John Edwardsnew

The Democratic Party, the U.S. Senate, the state of North Carolina, America, the legal profession -- everything that ever provided him with an identity is going on without him.
Dress the Vice Presidential Candidatesnew
Forget the $150,000 that the Republican National Committee spent on Sarah Palin's campaign wardrobe: Now you can dress the veep hopefuls for much, much less, and in styles that best reflect their inner vice president.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
10-30-2008 |
After Fighting in Iraq, a North Carolina Vet Fights for Obamanew
Capt. Jon Kuniholm says the war was poorly planned and badly executed since the beginning, and the nation's military resources should have been focused on Afghanistan. Most of all, he has passionately refuted John McCain's argument that such dissent dishonors the sacrifices veterans have made.
The Early Voting Frenzy in North Carolinanew
As we await perhaps the most exciting Election Day of our lives on Tuesday, we ... hold on, with early voting, it's already Election Day(s) in North Carolina.
Professor Donald Saari Talks About Election Mathnew

According to Saari, the most nefarious form of voter disenfranchisement is the very system we use to make our choices: plurality voting. He recently discussed the ideas in his book, Chaotic Elections! A Mathematician Looks at Voting, and proposed what he says is a better system.
Looking for Real Reform in North Carolina's Race for Governornew
Bev Perdue and Pat McCrory both pledge to overhaul state government. Who is better suited for the job?
Joe Biden's Tears Rememberednew
In 1972, after Sen. Joe Biden's wife and child died, I wrote him a note of condolence. That letter is long gone, but not his response to me, which arrived later that winter.
INDY Week |
Steven Petrow |
10-10-2008 |
Election '08: A Guide to Third Partiesnew
Even if you can't vote for your chosen third-party or independent candidates, it's worth perusing their campaign platforms.
Socialist Prez Candidate Brian Moore Talks About His Runnew

After winning the Socialist Party USA nomination by just four votes, Moore is a write-in candidate in four states, and is listed on the ballot in an additional eight.
Hugh Webster's Long-Shot Bid for Congress Hinges on Immigrationnew

The Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in North Carolina's District 13 refers to illegal immigration as "the invasion."
The RNC: Meaner than a Junkyard Dognew

Once Hurricane Gustav had passed, the convention took on a meanness absent during the Dems' gathering. One could not have imagined, for example, Democratic delegates turning toward the press and booing for 25 seconds, as their GOP counterparts did during Palin's speech.
RNC Protest Arrests: Minneapolis, Meet Beijingnew
Some of the dimmer and, frankly, underreported stories of the Beijing Olympics were those of the political dissidents and protesters who were arrested, detained and shipped away, far from the ostentatious opening ceremonies and cheering crowds. Three weeks later in America at the Republican National Convention, we are seeing a similar disassembling of civil liberties; and unlike the Chinese, we have a Constitution guaranteeing our rights.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
09-04-2008 |
DNC Report: They Called Him B-Bidennew

Joe Biden and I are both stutterers. Tonight, for all stutters, it's our moment on the national stage.
Anti-Abortion Activists Confront Feminist Dems in Denvernew
During this week of the Democratic National Convention, it's hard to walk more than a few blocks in downtown Denver without encountering clusters of abortion opponents carrying billboard-sized photos of fetal remains.