AltWeeklies Wire

SPARKcon Looks to Its Futurenew

For its third year, SPARKcon continues to wage the battle to help brand the Triangle as "the creative hub of the South." The three-day conference and showcase of local talent is designed to bring together the area's creative community, helping it connect with the public—and itself.
INDY Week  |  Zack Smith  |  09-18-2008  |  Art

Apple Season Can Last All Winternew

Apples can be stored through the winter in a cool, dry, dark place for as long as they last before you eat them. Includes a recipe for apple crisp.
INDY Week  |  Sheryl Cornett  |  09-18-2008  |  Food+Drink

Strangers on a Train in 'Transsiberian'new

As a representative of a badly degraded genre, this tale of treachery and drug trafficking aboard a train traveling from Beijing to Moscow has a certain workmanlike integrity.
INDY Week  |  David Fellerath  |  09-18-2008  |  Reviews

Independent Weekly Critic Godfrey Cheshire's 'Moving Midway'new

In his first feature, Cheshire put his great big, highly engaging Southern family (considerably bigger by the close of the show than at its inception) up on the silver screen, with no less serious a literary purpose than the Bard of Oxford, yet with a light touch all his own.
INDY Week  |  Bland Simpson  |  09-18-2008  |  Reviews

A New Southern Strategy in Bob Moser's 'Blue Dixie'new

In Blue Dixie, Moser argues that the Democrats' efforts to win without seriously contesting the South is flawed in tactical terms, profoundly misguided in strategic terms, and indefensible in moral terms.
INDY Week  |  Thad Williamson  |  09-18-2008  |  Nonfiction

U.S. Law Sends Some Bi-National Same-Sex Couples into Exilenew

Though our immigration policies purportedly are based on the principle of family unification, they do not recognize bi-national same-sex couples as families. That means American citizens who are gay don't have the same rights as other citizens to sponsor their foreign partners or families for immigration.
INDY Week  |  Merrill Wolf  |  09-18-2008  |  LGBT

Silver Jews' David Berman Wants His New Songs to be Instructivenew

It's surreal -- but not in the usual Silver Jews way -- to encounter these wholly irony-free lyrics from Berman.
INDY Week  |  Randy Bickford  |  09-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Mac McCaughan: Through with Portastatic?new

For the time being, Portastatic is McCaughan's songwriting vehicle. But there's no telling if or when he'll put that vehicle on blocks, and get himself something new to fiddle with in the garage
INDY Week  |  Chris Parker  |  09-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'The World Without Us' Offers the Anti-Apocolypsenew

This was not the first time Alan Weisman had examined nature's resilience in the absence, nor near-absence, of humans.
INDY Week  |  Gerry Canavan  |  09-11-2008  |  Nonfiction

How Conservatives are Dismantling the Federal Governmentnew

Fresh off listening to Republican presidential nominee John McCain's acceptance speech last week, it was cathartic to visit with Thomas Frank's The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  09-11-2008  |  Nonfiction

Ravenswood: No Wimpy Winesnew

Many of you have seen and drunk Ravenswood "Vintner's Blend" California Zinfandel. At under $10, this perennial best value is a staple at grocery stores, Costco, World Market and even specialty wine shops.
INDY Week  |  Arturo Ciompi  |  09-11-2008  |  Food+Drink

Meet Fatih Akin, the Most Exciting German (and Turkish) Director of His Timenew

Akin is the young director whose breakthrough film Head-On was an international hit three years ago.
INDY Week  |  Godfrey Cheshire  |  09-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Burn After Reading': A Country for Ridiculous Mennew

Burn After Reading hearkens back to Coen classics Oh Brother Where Art Thou and The Big Lebowski, films propelled inexorably forward by bizarre characters and slashing humor.
INDY Week  |  Laura Boyes  |  09-11-2008  |  Reviews

The RNC: Meaner than a Junkyard Dognew

Once Hurricane Gustav had passed, the convention took on a meanness absent during the Dems' gathering. One could not have imagined, for example, Democratic delegates turning toward the press and booing for 25 seconds, as their GOP counterparts did during Palin's speech.
INDY Week  |  Barry Yeoman  |  09-11-2008  |  Politics

Even Indie Rockers Want the Remixnew

In that, the remix form is just about the most populist genre imaginable, which raises the question: Why did it take indie rock, a nominally populist genre, so long to catch up with it?
INDY Week  |  Brian Howe  |  09-04-2008  |  Music

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