AltWeeklies Wire
Potheads & Hopheads Have More in Common Than Being Mellownew

The hop plant is part of the Cannabinaceae family and, therefore, it's marijuana's sister. But don't think for a second you can smoke hop as a marijuana substitute. For those who do, prepare to cough and not get off.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Mike Tessier |
07-07-2009 |
Take the High Road with One of Orange County's Medical-Marijuana Delivery Servicesnew

We make deliveries with Racer X, a part-time driver for one of some two dozen cannabis clubs in Orange County that offer members door-to-door marijuana-delivery services.
Connecticut's Needle Exchange Programs Face the Chopping Blocknew
New Haven launched one of the first needle-exchange programs in the country in 1990, and it became a national model for curbing the spread of AIDS through intravenous drug use. Gov. Jodi Rell's plan to eliminate the entirety of the $455,000 the state spends yearly on needle exchange is pennywise and pound foolish, advocates say, ensuring a spike in infections.
New Haven Advocate |
Andy Bromage |
06-16-2009 |
How Did a Drug Dealer Rack Up 112 Convictions Over 26 Years?new
Along the way, Smooth has compiled a criminal record that's something of a record itself: He has 112 convictions. Not arrests, convictions: 94 misdemeanors and 18 felonies, revolving through the doors of juvenile court to municipal court to district court to superior court to federal court, from traffic and theft offenses and weapons and assault charges to burglary and crack sales.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
06-15-2009 |
Crime & Justice
With Support from the Unlikeliest Circles, This Could Be Marijuana's Momentnew

The fight to legalize marijuana is burning up like never before -- but some advocates warn that if it doesn't happen soon, it may never happen at all.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
05-29-2009 |
The Dutch Start Getting All Uptight and Shitnew

As any recent visitor can tell you, there's something strange in the Amsterdam air these days. While the culture of permissiveness remains intact, it has been thoroughly rattled by a recent series of legal reforms.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Patrick Boyle |
05-21-2009 |
Forest Service Land Is Fertile Ground for Pot Plantsnew

Between 2006 and 2008, the Gila County Narcotics Task Force took down 43 pot farms, eradicating 82,904 marijuana plants. All but a handful were on Tonto National Forest land.
Tucson Weekly |
Leo W. Banks |
04-16-2009 |
Hitting Rock Bottom Isn't So Bad When Jesus Cushions Your Fallnew
It was there, in the hospital, a few hours after that violent intubation—lying broken and twisted among the rocks and glass at the bottom of my bottomed-out existence—where I encountered Jesus Christ.
San Diego CityBeat |
Edwin Decker |
04-01-2009 |
A Canadian Daredevil's Final Actnew
After allegedly landing a helicopter filled with marijuana in a national forest, a young Canadian mountain biker takes his own life in a Spokane, Wash., jail. Is he a casualty of the war on drugs?
The Inlander |
Kevin Taylor |
03-11-2009 |
Tags: Drugs, Jackson Lindsay-Brown
The Manhattan Project of Marijuananew

If pot is truly medicine, shouldn't it be standardized? Analytical Labs wants to test the potency and safety of California cannabis.
East Bay Express |
David Downs |
03-04-2009 |
Canseco Creams A-Rodnew
Does Alex Rodriguez's latest admission vindicate a Miami trainer?
Miami New Times |
Gus Garcia-Roberts |
03-02-2009 |
The Economic Argument for Legalizationnew

Advocates have long supported reforming current state and federal prohibitions against growing, trading and consuming marijuana. But existing evidence of the economic benefits of legalizing, regulating and taxing marijuana is even more compelling, particularly in today's trying times.
Illinois Times |
R.L. Nave |
03-02-2009 |
The Trials of Mexican Georgenew
For 20 years, the feds have suspected supermarket mogul George Torres is a drug runner and murderer with friends in Los Angeles City Hall. Now they'll try to make it stick.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Jeffrey Anderson |
02-23-2009 |
Crime & Justice
A Southwest Missouri Hamlet is Leading the Latest Fight to Legalize Medical Marijuananew
Cliff Village has become the second Missouri city to legalize marijuana for medical use. But with a population in the double-digits and a local sheriff who vows to lock up any pot smoker he can find, the town's 30-year-old mayor, Joe Blundell, concedes that the move is "symbolism, pure and simple."
Riverfront Times |
Keegan Hamilton |
02-20-2009 |
Obama Gets it Wrong on Afghanistan
The president's recent interview with Canada's CBC television network demonstrates that he doesn't know much about Afghanistan. But that isn't stopping him from talking about it -- even while he escalates America's war there.