AltWeeklies Wire

Real Scamnew

The sentencing in the Wendy's chili-finger case -- a 12-year and a nine-year sentence for the two conspirators -- is draconian punishment for a crime that did not hurt anybody.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  02-03-2006  |  Commentary

Killer Regeneratrixnew

In the U.S., the liberation of women has been grotesquely reduced to whether or not Roe v. Wade is the "law of the land" -- whatever happened to real feminism?
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  01-27-2006  |  Commentary

What We Might Kill If We Kill 'Tookie'new

Perhaps the best argument against capital punishment is the story of how the judicial system mistreated Stanley "Tookie" Williams, who has spent half of his 51 years on San Quentin's Death Row.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  12-12-2005  |  Commentary

A Restaurant for the 23rd Centurynew

Under the shadow of Mount Tamalpais in California, Lydia's Lovin' Foods turns out a delicious assortment of raw, vegan and vegetarian dishes.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  11-28-2005  |  Food+Drink

The McKilling Fieldsnew

Of the estimated 30,000 civilians slain in Iraq, 37 percent have been killed by the U.S. military, according to the Web site Do average Iraqis believe that Americans are trying to free them?
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  10-31-2005  |  Commentary

Authoritarian Oppositionnew

Protesters who did not stay "on message" were kicked out of Camp Casey, says a California witch who went to see the settlement where the mother of a slain soldier waited to speak to George W. Bush.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  10-05-2005  |  Commentary

Extracting Excess Profits From Oilnew

Oil executives can access each other's supply information without "conspiring," enabling them to passively collude in raising the price of gasoline.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  10-05-2005  |  Commentary

Memo From Karl Rove: I Quit!new

To G.W. Bush: You ain't got the sense God gave a wart hog, boy.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  09-14-2005  |  Comedy

Meter Beatersnew

Californians could lose if utilities are compelled to hook their homes up to Internet-controlled "smart meters" that will monitor their energy demand in real time.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  08-30-2005  |  Commentary

The End of Innocencenew

The burning question for parents is how much violence their children must witness to become informed, peace-loving beings.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  07-25-2005  |  Commentary

The Monkey Biz About Darwinnew

Critics of Darwin try to score points with liberals by claiming that he was the first social Darwinist, and his scientific method is therefore wrong.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  07-18-2005  |  Commentary

Columnist for Salenew

If columnist Armstrong Williams can get big bucks for pushing the No Child Left Behind program, why shouldn't this columnist auction off a few stories?
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  06-21-2005  |  Commentary

Homeschooling Guru Turns Darwin Into Whipping Boynew

John Taylor Gatto says that "liberals" and "secularists," most especially Unitarians, historically conspired with capitalists to impose schooling on the masses and "suppress" the "amazing insights of American Christian spirituality."
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  05-23-2005  |  Commentary

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