AltWeeklies Wire

Obama can be beaten, but the GOP doesn't have anyone who can do itnew

I'll be the first liberal to admit that I've been extremely displeased with President Barack Obama and his bumbling, stumbling reign over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  10-17-2011  |  Elections

Meet the Occupiersnew

As with the Tea Party movement, organizers of #OccupyCharleston expressed concern Thursday night about not being used for political gain by an existing party. Larry Carter Center, who attended to give advice on parade ordinances and protest strategy, says group members are trying to figure out “how not to let this become a Democratic Party front.”
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  10-07-2011  |  Politics

#OccupyWallStreet and the Sad State of Activismnew

It's easy to throw your support behind a cause when all you have to do is attach an #OccupyWallStreet hashtag to every tweet you send out. But that's what activism is these days.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  10-07-2011  |  Commentary

The African-American Community Could Have Slowed Gentrificationnew

I have received some requests to respond to Dwayne Green's article "Planning for the Post-Riley Future: Should mayoral candidates focus on this election or the next one?" In it, Dwayne asserts that Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr.'s opponents are spending their energy in vain because there is no way Riley can lose the upcoming election. According to Dwayne, Riley's opponents should "start thinking about a palatable vision that will take hold once the incumbent leaves office." I agree with Dwayne on some points and disagree on a few.
Charleston City Paper  |  Kwadjo Campbell  |  10-06-2011  |  Commentary

A Thank-You Letter to Steve Jobsnew

The tech world and beyond has been reeling from the death of Apple Computer visionary Steve Jobs. He passed away on Wednesday after struggles with pancreatic cancer. Eloquent testimonies about his contributions to consumer culture and business acumen are all over the net now. Mine is a more personal story.
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  10-06-2011  |  Commentary

Anti-Consumerist Mag Behind Protestsnew

#OccupyWallStreet: The Revolution has a URL and it's Owned by Adbusters.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  10-06-2011  |  Commentary

Remember the Birthers? They’re Still Herenew

Poll of South Carolina conservatives shows ‘kicked puppy syndrome,’ says professor.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  09-23-2011  |  Politics

It's About Time Somebody Called Out Jim DeMintnew

In 2009, Sen. Jim DeMint released his book Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America's Slide Into Socialism. It was the most fatuous piece of political propaganda I have ever seen, and I devoted a week's worth of my precious words exposing DeMint's silly claptrap for what it was.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  09-15-2011  |  Commentary

Trapped in the post-9/11

This is not a column about 9/11. This is not a column about the nearly 3,000 men and women who died. This is not a column about our heroic first responders. This is not a column about the unprecedented courage shown by the passengers of United 93. This is not a column about My Pet Goat.
Charleston City Paper  |  Chris Haire  |  09-07-2011  |  Commentary

A Decade After 9/11, Our Government Continues to Make Things Worsenew

A primary tenet of conservatism is that government action or inaction affects human behavior. If taxes are raised, the economy worsens. If taxes are lowered, the economy improves. If guns are prohibited, crime rates rise. If gun ownership is legal, crime lessens.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  09-07-2011  |  Commentary

The GOP's fever for war will destroy any hope of shrinking governmentnew

Why is it that during the last decade, when Republicans controlled all three branches of government, the national debt still exploded? Why is it that the last time a real conservative sat in the White House -- Ronald Reagan -- government grew astronomically?
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  09-01-2011  |  Commentary

Calling Out Republicans on Voter IDnew

If you read South Carolina's daily newspapers, you can be forgiven if you have never heard of the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is a corporate-funded juggernaut that works with Republicans in pushing a hard right-wing agenda, including anti-union legislation, the privatization of schools and prisons, and the rolling back of environmental regulations.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  09-01-2011  |  Commentary

The Center Does Not Holdnew

Ron Paul gets ignored by the media after nearly winning Iowa Straw Poll.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  08-24-2011  |  Commentary

How Does Rick Perry Get Away With It?new

Rick Perry. The name alone is enough to elicit chuckles. Big hat. Silly boots. Cowboy swagger. The Texas governor likes to hold stadium-sized prayer rallies in which he fills a fraction of the stadium and talks to God. Two years ago he held a rally to ask God for rain. Today, Texas still bakes in a historic drought, suggesting that if there is a God, he's got better things to do than listen to Perry.
Charleston City Paper  |  Will Moredock  |  08-24-2011  |  Commentary

Bachmann: Tea Party represents 90% of Americansnew

On the final stop of her tour of South Carolina, GOP presidential hopeful and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann praised the Tea Party and promised a strong military.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  08-22-2011  |  Elections

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