AltWeeklies Wire

Why Can't Obama See He's the New Robert McNamara?

Like McNamara, Obama doesn't understand a basic truth: you can't successfully manage an inherently doomed premise. Colonialism is dead. Occupiers will never enjoy peace. Neither the Afghans nor the Iraqis nor the Pakistanis will rest until we withdraw our forces.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  07-08-2009  |  War

Meet the People Who Fought (and Continue to Fight) Our Wars in the Middle Eastnew

More than 1.5 million Americans have fought in this country's two ongoing wars. While public interest and news coverage in Iraq and Afghanistan have waxed and waned, these volunteers have continued to stream to and from the battlefield. Here are 12 such people from the Philadelphia area.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Charles Cieri  |  07-07-2009  |  War

Are Pakistan's Nukes Safe from Terrorists?new

Outside observers are afraid Pakistan's super-violent, fundamentalist Taliban fighters might be able to get their hands on one of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. Is it possible?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  05-13-2009  |  Commentary

Why We Fight: To Defend Rapists

The next time you watch a flag-draped coffin return from Afghanistan, remember why that young man died: to defend Afghan rapists.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  05-04-2009  |  The War on Women

Update: What Is the U.S. Mission in Afghanistan?new

I'm nostalgic for focused anger and healthy skepticism directed at the White House. I'm concerned that some of President Obama's Bush-like policy initiatives are getting a free pass from the press and public simply because Obama isn't Bush.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  04-10-2009  |  Commentary

Afghanistan: Obama’s Vietnam?new

While Bush never listened to those who disagreed with him politically, Obama seems to have made a fetish of the opposite: on the issue of Afghanistan, he has listened almost exclusively to Bush holdovers in the military, from Defense Secretary Gates on down, while tuning out those whose diverse alternative approaches have much more support in his political base.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  04-04-2009  |  War

What Obama and Hitler Have in Common

Billions to kill Muslims in Afghanistan; not one red cent to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. It's hard to avoid the conclusion that killing Muslims is Barack Obama's top priority.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-31-2009  |  War

Sending Troubled Soldiers Back into Battle: A Recipe for Suicide?new

More than 717,000 soldiers have deployed at least twice to the war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some, like John Fish, have been ordered deployed for a second tour even after telling military doctors they're thinking about committing suicide.
San Luis Obispo New Times  |  Aaron Glantz  |  02-23-2009  |  War

Obama Gets it Wrong on Afghanistan

The president's recent interview with Canada's CBC television network demonstrates that he doesn't know much about Afghanistan. But that isn't stopping him from talking about it -- even while he escalates America's war there.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  02-19-2009  |  War

What Is the U.S. Mission in Afghanistan?new

The big stimulus bill isn't the only economic lifeline being tossed out by Team Obama. The Feds are also offering a generous subsidy to foreign policy columnists. The Obama administration's war strategy in Afghanistan is so unclear, newspapers have no choice but to keep paying people like me to help explain it.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  02-04-2009  |  Commentary

No Clear Path to Peace for Obama Administrationnew

We are anxious because now it appears Obama, like LBJ, wants it both ways and isn't really as much about getting us out of any of our recent military quagmires as he is about negotiating settlements in which we stay.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich  |  01-05-2009  |  Commentary

Why Aren't We Attacking Somalia's Pirates?

We bomb Afghan wedding parties like they're going out of style. Why aren't we going after Somalia's pirates?
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  11-25-2008  |  War

Howard Zinn Ponders Obama's Positions on Peace and Imperialismnew

The noted historian and activist talks about the war, the end of the Bush era and the future of the American empire.
Montreal Mirror  |  Matt Jones  |  11-14-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Vets with PTSD Tackle the Scars You Can't Seenew

New cases of PTSD are flooding the VA system. Some veterans of earlier wars know what those Iraq and Afghanistan vets are in for.
OC Weekly  |  Nick Schou  |  11-11-2008  |  War

Remember to Appreciate the Soldier Even if You Disagree with the Missionnew

Sadly, some of us still need to learn to treat our vets with respect and common decency. Agree or disagree with the reasons behind the war, but appreciate the fact that our military personnel -- on Veterans Day and all year -- decide to walk a difficult road in service to the rest of us.
Tucson Weekly  |  Irene Messina  |  11-06-2008  |  War

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