AltWeeklies Wire

How Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Using the Budget Crisis to Wreck California's Futurenew

Schwarzenegger sees himself as a man with bold, sometimes even liberal ideas who is forced to propose massive budget cuts as a result of a broken government and a deadlocked legislature. The reality the governor is attempting to hide is much different.
Random Lengths News  |  Robert Cruickshank  |  07-18-2009  |  Commentary

Tribe Lays Groundwork for Condor's Return to Redwood Countrynew

Under orders from its elders, California's largest Native American tribe, the Yurok, is working to bring back one of redwood country's long-lost inhabitants -- prey-go-neesh, the endangered California condor.
North Coast Journal  |  Heidi Walters  |  07-16-2009  |  Environment

The Beautiful Harmonies of the Northern California Jesus Freaksnew

The two-disc Northern California Jesus Movement restores the post-gospel legacy of the Lighthouse Ranch, a seventies-era Christian commune in Humboldt County.
North Coast Journal  |  Joel Hartse  |  07-16-2009  |  Reviews

California is in the Worst Mess in its History ... Who Will Save the Golden State?new

California's economy looks like it's driving off a cliff. But we've already crashed over the railing and are now free falling towards certain doom.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Jessica Lyons  |  07-16-2009  |  Politics

A San Diego Case Sheds Light on the Messy World of DUI Prosecutionnew

In April, San Diego's city attorney declined to file drunk-driving charges against local TV sportscaster Kyle Kraska, despite a police-station breathalyzer test that put Kraska's blood-alcohol content just above California's legal limit. Kraska's attorney said the case was dismissed because of police error, though city officials would say only that prosecutors felt they couldn't prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Kelly Davis  |  07-15-2009  |  Crime & Justice

California's Ex-Attorney General Calls for an End to Capital Punishmentnew

With more than 700 Death Row prisoners awaiting execution for decades and no money in sight for improving the integrity and efficiency of the failing capital punishment system, John Van de Kamp is publicly calling for an end to the death penalty. But unlike most of capital punishment's ardent opponents, he has actually sent men to Death Row.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  07-13-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Single-Payer Advocates Crashing the Gatesnew

One of the main reasons I am running for Congress is to get single payer health care for all Americans. To push for it, I am running prime-time cable ads round-the-clock on CNN and MSNBC challenging my opponent, longtime incumbent Jane Harman, to sign on to Congressman John Conyers' bill for single-payer.
Random Lengths News  |  Marcy Winograd  |  07-05-2009  |  Commentary

Take the High Road with One of Orange County's Medical-Marijuana Delivery Servicesnew

We make deliveries with Racer X, a part-time driver for one of some two dozen cannabis clubs in Orange County that offer members door-to-door marijuana-delivery services.
OC Weekly  |  Nick Schou  |  06-16-2009  |  Drugs

Talking to a Beauty Queen (No, Not That One) About Gay Marriage and Morenew

Pageant queen Felix Ayala, a.k.a. Frida Marin, talks about Proposition 8, the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, President Barack Obama and the future of gay rights.
OC Weekly  |  Daffodil J. Altan  |  06-09-2009  |  LGBT

Meet Elliott Almond, the Wave Masternew

While the title of Surfing: Mastering Waves From Basic to Intermediate screams "surf instruction book," its 200 pages are packed with more than tips, as the author explains the sport's history, personalities and lingo.
OC Weekly  |  Matt Coker  |  06-09-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

2500 Protest Prop 8 Decision in Long Beachnew

Only 2,500 turned out for the Meet in the Middle Rally when the California Supreme Court upheld proposition 8, but the affirmation of the 18,000 gay marriages that occurred during the 5-month window that gay couple could legally wed remains a beacon of hope.
Random Lengths News  |  Zamna Avila  |  06-06-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Wiser Gay-Rights Groups Craft a 2010 Ballot Measure for Californianew

The recent coordinated efforts showcased the kind of campaign structure many gay-marriage advocates want to see built for a new ballot measure, in which cash-rich, mainstream gay-rights organizations work closely with their less wealthy grassroots counterparts.
L.A. Weekly  |  Patrick Range McDonald  |  06-05-2009  |  LGBT

Marriage Equality Advocates React, then Move into Campaign Modenew

Expressing anger and frustration with the California Supreme Court's decision to uphold Proposition 8, same-sex couples and advocates for marriage equality nonetheless vowed to push ahead with a new fight to overturn it.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rebecca Bowe  |  06-03-2009  |  Policy Issues

A Chance for Meaningful Change in Sacramentonew

The skunking of all five special election budget measures backed by Gov. Arnold and the Can't Shoot Straight Legislature was a clear signal that voters are way beyond fed up with half-measures, marginal fixes and smoke and mirrors in Sacramento.
Metro Silicon Valley  |  Phil Trounstine and Jerry Roberts  |  05-29-2009  |  Commentary

Photos: San Francisco Reacts to Prop. 8 Rulingnew

The California Supreme Court's decision to uphold Proposition 8 -- but keep valid those same-sex marriages performed before its passage -- was met with dismay and protests at City Hall.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Charles Russo  |  05-27-2009  |  LGBT

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