AltWeeklies Wire
Alt.Health: Clicking Time Bombnew
Halt pain of "mouse arm" by staying calm and working your core.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
08-26-2008 |
Tags: advice columns
'Rock Band 2' is a Fret Above 'Guitar Hero'new
Amidst the plethora of games at Microsoft's annual gaming preview event, X'08, Rock Band 2 was by far the most exciting.
NOW Magazine |
Jen Chan |
08-26-2008 |
Video Games
Olympic Gear Raises the Barnew
This month, the world's eyes are on Beijing for the 29th Summer Olympiad. Governments and corporations have spent millions to make sure the athletes perform at the peak of their abilities. These days, much of this cash gets spent on research into high-tech materials and equipment rather than on training programs.
NOW Magazine |
Joseph Wilson |
08-11-2008 |
Sports Have an Art Attacknew
Boost your creative juices with guided imagery, and leave time for the unexpected.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
08-08-2008 |
Tags: advice columns
Ecoholic: The Hunt for 100-mile Beernew
You've recommended organic beer, but the ingredients come from all over the world. Does anyone use strictly local ingredients?
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
08-08-2008 |
Who's Who of Toronto's Microbreweriesnew
With an ever-increasing number of microbreweries cropping up on the smoggy horizon, Hogtown is well on its way to becoming Hoptown, and it’s not just the pigs who think this is good news.
NOW Magazine |
Graham Duncan |
08-08-2008 |
Food+Drink Your Daily Routine Could Be Cooking Your Spermnew

There are a lot of things that might make you shoot blanks. Among them are obesity, pesticides, stress, heat, smoking and drinking.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
08-04-2008 |
Ecoholic: Sniffing Out Radioactive Gases in Your Kitchen and Basementnew
I heard that radioactive radon gas could be coming from my granite counters as well as my basement. Should I worry?
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
08-04-2008 |
Skyrocketing Food Prices and Biofuels Aren't What's Feeding Global Hunger Crisisnew

It sounds counterintuitive, I know, but the real food crisis gripping the world these days is not what everyone thinks it is. It's really more about the 80 per cent drop in real-time food prices since 1947 than the modest, dare I say, "market correction" of recent years.
NOW Magazine |
Wayne Roberts |
08-04-2008 |
Alt.Health: If the Shoe Hurtsnew
We may be slaves to the minimalist flip-flop, but they're a heel-to-toe disaster.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
07-28-2008 |
Ecoholic: Is Your Cottage a Lakefront Menace or an Earthly Paradise?new

Though I feel a little guilty about the drive, I love going to the cottage. Any advice on greening the experience?
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
07-28-2008 |
Six Reasons Why Harbourfront is Toronto's Hottest Summer Destinationnew
It's a shore thing.
NOW Magazine |
Staff |
07-28-2008 |
Forget Murky Coffee Dates -- Romantic Evasiveness Has Peaked Onlinenew
The entire discourse of "dating" today reminds me of what Roland Barthes said of text when he proclaimed the death of the author: "Everything is to be disentangled, nothing deciphered; the structure can be followed, 'run' (like the thread of a stocking) at every point and at every level, but there is nothing beneath."
NOW Magazine |
Jacob Scheier |
07-28-2008 |
The Search for Toronto's Ultimate Sandwichnew

To narrow the field, we've eliminated burgers, wraps, hot dogs, hoagies, tuna melts, muffulettas and Fluffernutters.
NOW Magazine |
Steven Davey |
07-21-2008 |
Food+Drink Boost Your Brain Powernew
A few tips to exercise your noggin.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
07-21-2008 |