AltWeeklies Wire

Goldman Sachs Paints Picture of Changing World Ordernew

You have to hand it to the economics team at Goldman Sachs. It came up with the concept of the "BRICs": the four big economies, in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, which were going to catch up with and then overtake the big economies of the developed world. More recently, they added the "Next Eleven": middle-sized developing countries like Turkey, Indonesia, and Mexico that will also grow fast enough to overtake their old-rich counterparts in the next generation.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  07-31-2008  |  Economy

Logging Companies Look to Flip Forests in British Columbianew

Despite the province's climate-change policy and a social contract with the public to maintain properties as forests, more and more logging corporations are hoping to convert private forestlands into real estate.
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  07-28-2008  |  Environment

EU's Soft Power Defeated Serbia's Radovan Karadzicnew

Radovan Karadzic's disguise was quite elaborate, but he didn't spent the past thirteen years hiding from the Serbian authorities. They knew where he was all along.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  07-28-2008  |  International

Smart Tips for First-Time Home Sellersnew

From tips on how to go about purchasing a house to materials proclaiming the advantages of owning a property, new buyers don't have a shortage of print and online references. But how about people selling their homes for the first time?
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  06-02-2008  |  Housing & Development

Oil Costs Reshaping the Suburbsnew

Current property values in the U.S., where the subprime-mortgage crisis has unleashed a sea of foreclosures, demonstrate how surging oil prices can affect the real-estate market. Cities with more suburban sprawl are suffering more in terms of depressed prices than denser areas that are less dependent on cars.
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  05-19-2008  |  Housing & Development

Election Moves Taiwan and Beijing Closernew

The triumph of Ma Ying-jeou, the Nationalist Party (or Kuomintang) candidate in the presidential election in Taiwan, brings to an end eight years of rule by the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party.
The Georgia Straight  |  Frank Ching  |  03-31-2008  |  International

Pads to Save or Trash Africa?new

Environmental blogger Deanna Duke, while channel-surfing five weeks ago, happened upon a commercial for Always pads. Thanks to a new $1.4-million campaign by Procter & Gamble, the ad explained, girls in African villages will receive disposable pads so they can go to school.
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  03-17-2008  |  Environment

Homes Face Possible Smoking Ban in Canadanew

The Greater Vancouver Housing Corporation is moving cautiously to designate nonsmoking rental accommodations in its properties in the absence of a law against smoking in multi-unit residential buildings.
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  03-07-2008  |  Science

Activists: British Columbia's Carbon Tax is Far Too Modestnew

The provincial government's new levy on fossil fuels is even lower than one proposed by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
The Georgia Straight  |  Matthew Burrows  |  02-22-2008  |  Environment

It's Time for Honest Talk About Afghanistannew

When the blame game starts, you know the situation has turned from bad to worse in Afghanistan. But the fact that the Taliban are getting stronger is now undeniable to all except the most willfully ignorant, and accusations have started to fly.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jared Ferrie  |  02-01-2008  |  War

The Value of a Degreenew

Many adults have no postsecondary credentials, making it tough for them to achieve their goals.
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  02-01-2008  |  Education

Doc Offers New View of Menopause Pillsnew

Dr. Jerilynn Prior has found that estrogen levels do rise during perimenopause and don't drop until after the symptoms normally associated with menopause subside. It's a drop in progesterone during perimenopause that creates the uncomfortable symptoms, she said.
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  01-11-2008  |  Science

Bluetec Engine Delivers Power and Fuel Savingsnew

Although Mercedes-Benz may have removed the diesel engine from its latest Smart car, the company is moving full-steam ahead with its new Bluetec diesel models, now that cleaner-burning, lower-sulphur-content diesel fuel is making its way onto the Canadian market.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ted Laturnus  |  01-04-2008  |  Transportation

Subprime Mess Spreadsnew

The subprime lending crisis in the U.S. is far from over, and its impact on financial markets may continue to affect the cost of Canadian mortgages.
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  01-04-2008  |  Housing & Development

Former Spy Rejects al-Qaeda Theory in Bhutto Killingnew

Although the Pakistan government has blamed al-Qaeda for the assassination of the former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, the former head of the country's national spy agency described it as a tactic to hide security lapses and to please the U.S.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gurpreet Singh  |  01-04-2008  |  International

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