AltWeeklies Wire
Tea Party Pretty Boynew

Marco Rubio has risen with lightning speed. He's also a world-class opportunist with an uncanny habit of being in the right place at the right time.
Miami New Times |
Tim Elfrink |
07-20-2010 |
Tags: Marco Rubio, Tea Party
The Sound Money Movement Marches Onnew
Two Idaho legislators are pushing silver and gold currency. One says Idahoans should be able to pay taxes with gold or silver medallions, while the other actually makes the case that gold and silver should be just as valid as Federal Reserve notes for the purchase of everything from groceries to new cars to property.
Boise Weekly |
Zach Hagadone |
05-12-2010 |
Policy Issues
The Tea Party is Steeped in Angernew
Steeped in anger, its members live in a world of paranoia and rumor
INDY Week |
Hal Crowther |
05-06-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party
What Makes a Tea Partier Tick?new

In South Carolina, movement organizers have had to fight off political consultants and the GOP to retain their identity as they search for what the movement means in their own hearts and minds.
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins |
04-28-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party, Allen Olson
The Striking Similarities Between Zombies and Tea Partiersnew

Probing the intersection of anti-government paranoids and pop culture’s favorite symbol of doom, zombies
Las Vegas Weekly |
Mark Dery |
04-22-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party
Tailgating the D.C. Tea Party on Tax Daynew
Fearless reporter escorts her right-wing father through the tea party in Washington, D.C. wearing a "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Liberal" T-shirt.
Weekly Alibi |
Maren Tarro |
04-22-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party
Don't Tread on Them: Profile of a Tea Party Rallynew

The "tea baggers," as they're commonly called, aren't united by any clear political belief or objective, which makes it difficult to describe them. But they're all angry about something, and for now that's enough.
Chicago Reader |
Lauri Apple |
04-19-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party
Hannity is Irked by Tea Partiersnew
Sean Hannity has nothing but disdain for the Tea Party's No. 1 goal: to vote all the bums out, Democrat and Republican alike. Hannity wants to keep those bums in power, as long as they're members of the GOP and their last name isn't Paul.
Charleston City Paper |
Chris Haire |
04-14-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party, Sean Hannity
Tea Bag Schwagnew
There was a big Tea Party thing in Buffalo this morning. Three tour buses, and lots of angry white people. If you missed it, you missed your chance to get neato T-shirts and stickers that can proclaim your anger to everyone.
Tags: Tea Party
Grand Ol' Party of Hatenew
In the 1960s, at least mainstream liberal Democrats did not egg on the violent left .
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
04-06-2010 |
Dana Loesch of the Tea Party and Conservative Talk Radio, Reporting For Duty!new

Dana Loesch is nervous. Executive producer Beowulf Rochlen sent word late last night that his boss, nationally syndicated conservative radio host Michael Savage, enjoyed her fill-in on The Savage Nation five days prior: Would she like to do it again in less than 24 hours?
Riverfront Times |
Kristen Hinman |
02-26-2010 |
Is State Rep. Matt Shea the Craziest Right-Wingnut in Washington?new

Washington State Rep. Matt Shea is very busy down in Olympia. That's probably why he's been unable to discuss with us why he thinks Obama is Hitler, if not merely Stalin, or explain his belief in the planned takeover of America by a secret Obama army.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
02-22-2010 |
Tea Time? Who are These People and What Do They Want?new

The Tea Partiers say that they are a bipartisan group with conservative and Libertarian ideals. They want to get back to God and the Constitution. They say they are Republicans and Democrats alike, but we were not able to find any Democrats associated with the Tea Party.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
02-18-2010 |