AltWeeklies Wire

How Michael Wolff Bagged Rupert Murdochnew

How did a controversial media reporter get total access to the most famous newspaper man in the world? He just asked.
Boston Phoenix  |  Daniel McCarthy  |  12-18-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Gift Books for Every (Perverse) Tastenew

Who knew? We asked for holiday gift books and got Japanese bondage photos, a photo-documentary about phone-sex workers, The Best of Sexology, The Annotated Dracula, a collection of Patricia Highsmith's macabre Ripley novels, and a book about "the best restaurant in the world" that is, let's face it, food porn.
Boston Phoenix  |  Staff & Contributors  |  12-12-2008  |  Books

Two Boston Poets Use Their Art for the Good of the Tribenew

What if a poem were a social force? Boston poets Rafael Campo and Franz Wright have laid bare a live wire between poetry and isolation.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  11-26-2008  |  Books

Kerouac and Burroughs's Lost Noir is Published At Lastnew

The publication of And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, the last known unpublished manuscript by any of the Founding Fathers of the Beat Generation, had to wait for the death of Lucien Carr.
Boston Phoenix  |  George Kimball  |  10-23-2008  |  Fiction

'Four Kings' KO's the Last Golden Era of Boxingnew

With boxing in one of its periodic public downturns, George Kimball cooks up some compelling nostalgia by recounting an era when great American fighters bestrode the planet.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  10-02-2008  |  Nonfiction

Ghost Writer: The Haunted World of Kelly Linknew

Link is the rare writer who's able to mix of-the-moment items, products, and activities with the eternal, the timeless: quests, coming of age, entering a new world, death, and the day-to-day mysteries of being human.
Boston Phoenix  |  Nina MacLaughlin  |  10-02-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Searching for National Identity in 'State By State'new

An American anthology offers proof that despite the intractable antipathy between red and blue, despite the creeping sameness imposed by chains and big boxes, despite the fact that 81 percent of its citizens feel the U.S. has gone off the rails, this is still a wondrously diverse country, with great cause for self-confidence.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  09-25-2008  |  Nonfiction

Philip Roth Goes Back to Collegenew

One of Portnoy's favorite words takes on new resonance in Roth's 29th novel.
Boston Phoenix  |  Richard Beck  |  09-24-2008  |  Fiction

Overhead Bagage: David Foster Wallace, 1962-2008new

DFW possessed a brain that was crowded with doubt -- about his own ability, sure, and in the larger sense, the ability of any of us to adequately express anything.
Boston Phoenix  |  Nina MacLaughlin  |  09-18-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Fall Books for Winners and Sinnersnew

Ah, fall, when Nobel Prize winners are announced -- and, now, when past winners turn up with more good reading.
Boston Phoenix  |  Barbara Hoffert  |  09-11-2008  |  Books

The Amazing Life and Mysterious Death of Peter Iversnew

You've probably never heard of Peter Ivers. But the Massachusetts-born, Harvard-educated free spirit was a sort of Zelig of the late-'60s-to-early-'80s pop-cultural scene. And somebody beat him to death.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  09-11-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Norman Mailer's 1968 War Storiesnew

Mailer wrote his accounts of the 1968 national conventions on assignment for Harper's, and predicted a 40-year war with the emerging neo-cons. Alas, he was right about that.
Boston Phoenix  |  Charles Taylor  |  08-20-2008  |  Nonfiction

Tricky (Philip K.) Dicknew

Published last spring, the first Philip K. Dick volume in the Library of America series caught this wave at its peak. This second offering might not be so fortunate.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Keough  |  07-31-2008  |  Fiction

Victim, Not Vixennew

Evelyn Nesbit biographer Paula Uruburu makes a convincing case that sexual naïveté plus parental abandonment aggravated by an unearned notoriety based on looks alone added up to certain doom for the most beautiful woman in the world.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  07-31-2008  |  Nonfiction

Bookman: Larry McMurtry's Life in the Tradenew

The Lonesome Dove and Brokeback Mountain author's latest autobiographical effort focuses on his years as an antiquarian book-seller.
Boston Phoenix  |  George Kimball  |  07-10-2008  |  Nonfiction

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