AltWeeklies Wire

Sparkling Waters of Characternew

“It almost seemed like a dream, a long dream but a good one” states Marshall B. Allen, Jr. in his second collection of stories about Newton Fiveash, Jr, “Newt in the World of Tarzan” takes the reader on a splendid joyride among the flavorful characters of the Sparklin’ Waters Park in Okena, Florida, and in so doing, highlights the life of a man in a time gone by.
Metro Spirit  |  Jason Sumerau  |  04-27-2008  |  Nonfiction

Young Statesman Guiding Today’s Youthnew

With wonderful illustrations and poignant storytelling, the acclaimed Young Patriots Series offers a fascinating look at one of the more interesting Founding Fathers of the United States of America. An architect of the Constitution, the first Secretary of the Treasury, and a participant in a legendary political duel, Alexander Hamilton is a captivating historical figure.
Metro Spirit  |  Jason Sumerau  |  04-27-2008  |  Fiction

ExxonMobil Exec Heads to Masters Tournamentnew

Our reporter asks an oil industry mogul on his way to the prestigious Masters Tournament whether high gas prices will affect his travel plans.
Metro Spirit  |  Murfee Faulk  |  04-15-2008  |  Economy

Time to Find a New Groupienew

What can I say Nigel, it looks like you are facing a fork in the road. I think it's time that you decide which is more important to you and realize which one has a future: the band or the girl.
Metro Spirit  |  Sid & Cherry  |  03-12-2008  |  Comedy

Metal Headsnew

Younger guys rock their silver locks for a look that is both stylish and distinguished -- provided they do it right.
Metro Spirit  |  Rachel Waters  |  03-12-2008  |  Fashion

Malaika Favorite Captures Multifaceted Scenesnew

She was inspired to do a series of landscape paintings of the Augusta area when she moved here in 1986. So last year, she applied for a Porter Fleming Foundation Grant to create a series of collage paintings documenting local scenes including landscapes and old structures in the area.
Metro Spirit  |  Stacey Hudson  |  03-12-2008  |  Art

Secret Lives of the Freemasons Get Radio-Readynew

The band has a unique sound that blends punk, alternative and contemporary rock into a different sound.
Metro Spirit  |  Rich McCracken II  |  03-12-2008  |  Reviews

'Definitions' Leads to an Epihanynew

Actually, it wasn't so much an epiphany as it was my being force-fed a putrid, bile-coated trifecta of three great big pulsating blisters on the instep of American culture -- the King Ghidora of Americana, if you will.
Metro Spirit  |  Josh Ruffin  |  03-12-2008  |  Reviews

In Like with 'I Love You, You're Awful'new

Except for the occasional awkward moments on the opening track when the lead singer's vocals remind me of Weird Al Yankovic (no offense, Al), I quite enjoy a fair amount of Ludo's You're Awful, I Love You.
Metro Spirit  |  Dwight Bemisderfer  |  03-12-2008  |  Reviews

'The Hopeful and Unafraid' Kicks off Strongnew

This starts off with an inspired mini-opus that, upon first listen, reminded me of a cross between Bruce Springsteen's Born To Run closer, "Jungleland," and The Who's Who's Next opener, "Baba O'Riley"; though it's really nothing like either of those songs, if that makes any sense. Yeah, I didn't think it would!
Metro Spirit  |  Dwight Bemisderfer  |  03-12-2008  |  Reviews

Bronze Radio Return: Tamenew

OK, so I'm going to be completely, enema-minus-the-lube, brutally honest here. After skimming over the press kit I received along with Bronze Radio Return's new eponymous five-song EP, I very seriously entertained the thought of not even listening to the album.
Metro Spirit  |  Josh Ruffin  |  03-12-2008  |  Reviews

Get Craftynew

Sandhills Writers Conference focuses aspiring authors on the craft and discipline required to achieve their goals of getting a book published.
Metro Spirit  |  Stacey Hudson  |  03-12-2008  |  Books

Marty Stuart Revisits Augustanew

He's looking forward to seeing the Imperial, JB's statue and the Easter finery along Broad Street.
Metro Spirit  |  Stacey Hudson  |  03-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Idol Chatternew

American Idol runner-up Bo Bice graces the Columbia County Amphitheater at the opening of the Music Evolution Series.
Metro Spirit  |  Tiki Wilson  |  03-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Pelican: Streamlined, but Still Expandingnew

It goes without saying that the evolution of sound, style, and substance (abuse) is typically more difficult to track when it comes to certain artists.
Metro Spirit  |  Josh Ruffin  |  03-12-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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