AltWeeklies Wire
Politicized Espionage at the CIAnew

Insiders fear that Director of Central Intelligence Porter J. Goss's restructuring -- and his unflinching support for partisan Capitol Hill imports -- will weaken the agency.
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
12-02-2004 |
Crime & Justice
A Hate Supremenew
If Chief Justice William Rehnquist retires, the bios that come should not gloss over his ardent and active support of racial segregation in the years before he joined the Supreme Court, when he was a private lawyer in Phoenix, Ariz.
Boston Phoenix |
David Bernstein |
12-01-2004 |
Race & Class
Howell of Painnew
Seth Mnookin's book on the New York Times shows how an editor's narcissism nearly destroyed the world's greatest newspaper.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
11-29-2004 |
Last Choicenew
In the wake of Bush's re-election, a triumphant right is planning its assault on reproductive rights.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
11-29-2004 |
Fallujah Falls, Now What?new
From the New York Times to Al-Jazeera, the press tries to make sense of the battle for Fallujah.
But the U.S. victory raises more questions than it answers. The big one: Why are we in Iraq?
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
11-19-2004 |
Deaf to Reasonnew
In the download wars, the recording industry keeps playing bad cop instead of embracing change.
Boston Phoenix |
Davis S. Bernstein |
10-08-2004 |
This Is Your Brain on Drugsnew
Rick Doblin thinks pot, ecstasy, and other psychedelics could unlock the human mind -- and he wants to bring them to Harvard, the FDA, and a doctor's office near you.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
10-08-2004 |
Tags: Marijuana, Health & Science
John Ferguson: 1951-2004new
A very personal tribute to an exceptional comrade and influential alternative journalist.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
09-21-2004 |
Caught in the Actnew
Smoking Gun editor William Bastone knows how to get the goods on just about anyone. The former Village Voice staff writer describes how his fascination with court documents led him to develop his popular Web site.
Boston Phoenix |
Tamara Wieder |
09-21-2004 |
Jerry Falwell's War on the ACLUnew
Upon the opening of Falwell's Liberty University, the Phoenix notes his aim of training "conservative warriors" to fight "important battles against anti-religious zealots.
Boston Phoenix |
David Bernstein |
08-26-2004 |
Civil Liberties
Secret Agents: Reporters in Prisonnew
From Washington to Providence, reporters face jail for not giving up their sources. But what, exactly, does the government hope to accomplish?
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
08-24-2004 |
Religious Demonstrators Divided on Same-Sex Marriagenew
Depending on your religious beliefs, the Massachusetts high court's ruling opening the door for gays and lesbians to marry can be seen as "an attack against civilization" or a welcome step forward in the civil rights struggle.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
08-07-2004 |
Romney Switches from Nice Guy to Anti-Gay-Marriage Activistnew
Ever since November 18, 2003, when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court determined that the ban on civil marriage for same-sex couples was unconstitutional, the governor has done everything in his power to prevent gay men and lesbians from reaching the altar.
Boston Phoenix |
Kristen Lombardi |
08-07-2004 |
Tags: Mormon, Attorney General Tom Reilly, Byron Rushing, Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, Daniel Winslow, Freedom To Marry Coalition, Goodridge opinion, gubernatorial race, House Speaker Tom Finneran, Joshua Friedes, Log Cabin Republicans of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Justices of the Peace Association, Michael Goldman, residency requirement, Senate president Robert Travaglini, gay & lesbian issues
Single-Minded Media Focus on Iraq Has Its Costnew
Iraq dominates the news, squeezing out a lot of puffy stories, but some worthwhile reporting has become another casualty of the war. (Column also has local [Boston] items that can be cut.)
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
08-07-2004 |
For Same-Sex Couples, May 17 Was Time to Get Marriednew
Same-sex marriage comes to Massachusetts, with after-dark revelry in Cambridge and business as usual (almost) at City Hall Plaza. A first-person report from Massachusetts the day same-sex marriage became legal is accompanied by three sidebar reports from Provincetown, Worcester and Somerville.
Boston Phoenix |
Kristen Lombardi |
08-07-2004 |