AltWeeklies Wire

Heritage Study Claiming Rich, Educated Troops is Fantasy

In fact, the troops are poorer, less educated, and disproportionately African-American -- just as we thought all along.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  07-24-2007  |  War

Enlisting Troops to Call For Pulloutnew

Sgt. Liam Madden of Vermont recruited nearly 1000 of his fellow soldiers to urge Congress to call for a prompt pullout from Iraq.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  01-18-2007  |  War

Not in Our Front Yardnew

The Bush administration is trying to make it easier to put soldiers on American streets.
Metroland  |  David King  |  10-27-2005  |  War

Fallujah Falls, Now What?new

From the New York Times to Al-Jazeera, the press tries to make sense of the battle for Fallujah. But the U.S. victory raises more questions than it answers. The big one: Why are we in Iraq?
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  11-19-2004  |  Media

Movie Theater Chains Split on Whether to Show Moore's Filmnew

Two movie chains based in Springfield, Ill., and owned by members of the same family made conflicting decisions about exhibiting Fahrenheit 9/11. GKC Theatres banned the film in 28 of its 29 theatres, but Kerasotes Theatres showed it.
Illinois Times  |  John K. Wilson  |  07-22-2004  |  Movies

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