AltWeeklies Wire

Inside Philly's Next City Hallnew

We rundown of Michael Nutter's new appointees and their priorities for the city this year.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Staff  |  02-25-2008  |  Politics

'In Bruges': Limbo Shticknew

The film is a delightful mixture of the sacred and profane.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Sean Burns  |  02-19-2008  |  Reviews

Is Western Culture Being Drowned By a Jism Tsunami?new

Porn isn't just the elephant in the room -- it's the naked elephant going "uh uh uh" as it frantically masturbates into the face of a bored lady elephant.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steven Wells  |  02-19-2008  |  Commentary

Recipe: Keftedesnew

Carob molasses, a key Cypriot ingredient, can be found at most Middle Eastern grocers. Serves four.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Mara Zepeda  |  02-19-2008  |  Food+Drink

Big Bad Tadnew

Grunge's true hero is exposed in the new documentary Tad: Busted Circuits and Ringing Ears.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Michael Alan Goldberg  |  02-19-2008  |  Music

Meet the New Mgmtnew

This band wants a youth revolution ... or something.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jeremy Butman  |  02-19-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Minority Membership Still an Issue, Philly's Unions Get Their Waynew

Despite pressure to diversify, most of the city's unions are still dominated by white men.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kia Gregory  |  02-19-2008  |  Business & Labor

Philadelphia's Strange Bettingfellowsnew

In Fishtown and Pennsport, casino opposition has united two very different riverfront communities.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jeffrey Barg  |  02-19-2008  |  Economy

Why Has Philly Avoided the Worst of the Housing Crisis?new

After months of doom-and-gloom headlines about the U.S. housing crisis, some might assume Philadelphia's been hit just as hard as other American cities -- but Philly realtors disagree. (Of course, they can't afford not to.)
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Morgan A. Zalot  |  02-19-2008  |  Economy

Not So Pleasurable 'Pleasure for Sale'new

Take HBO's softcore Cathouse, suck out all the fun and frivolity, throw in a bunch of traumatic sexual baggage and you have Pleasure for Sale, the six-part documentary series on the Sundance Channel.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  02-11-2008  |  TV

Recipe: Skillet Potatoesnew

Holding one potato in each hand, you can forgo a bag altogether. Serves two.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Mara Zepeda  |  02-11-2008  |  Food+Drink

Power of Soulnew

Marvin Gaye's Here, My Dear -- the biggest fuck-you album ever -- gets reworked.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  02-11-2008  |  Reviews

Seeing Rednew

Supported through Drexel Univeristy's groundbreaking music industry program, Mad Dragon is an award-winning, fully functional independent record label that teaches students the business side of the music industry.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  John Steele  |  02-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Enemy of the Statenew

Director Cristian Mungiu discusses his acclaimed film about illegal abortion in Communist Romania.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Matt Prigge  |  02-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

A Spicy Tributenew

Sara Roahen was four chapters into writing her just-published book -- Gumbo Tales, an exploration into the culinary wonders of New Orleans -- when Katrina hit her adopted city.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tim Whitaker  |  02-11-2008  |  Nonfiction

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