AltWeeklies Wire

Eco Movement Sparks Global Makeovernew

From a global vantage point, the green scene is like a silent tsunami. Even those working within the movement haven't grasped the scope of the momentum behind them, says California-based green guru Paul Hawken.
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  03-03-2008  |  Environment

Netizens for Naturenew

Track your bad behavior with online carbon watchers.
NOW Magazine  |  David Silverberg  |  03-03-2008  |  Tech

Alt.Health: Fishy Reactionsnew

How to tell if your food sensitivity is a phantom fad or really tied to what's on your fork.
NOW Magazine  |  Elizabeth Bromstein  |  03-03-2008  |  Advice

Obama is in Osama's Handsnew

The Republicans are toast if Bush's al-Qaeda enemies don't spark up more homeland terror.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  03-03-2008  |  Commentary

Downey Does Drunkardnew

Robert Downey Jr.'s too-real drunk routine steals the Charlie Bartlett show.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  02-25-2008  |  Reviews

'Caramel' Sticksnew

Labaki's film teases with romantic possibilities that don't evolve predictably.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  02-25-2008  |  Reviews

'Be Kind' and Make Some Sensenew

Michel Gondry's latest has a great set-up but eventually collapses under its inconsistencies.
NOW Magazine  |  Norman Wilner  |  02-25-2008  |  Reviews

Ecoholic: Dodging Nukes & Oil in Your Green Investmentsnew

"Are green investments as eco-friendly as they say they are? I hear some invest in nuclear technology."
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  02-25-2008  |  Advice

Canada's Liberal Leader is Addicted to Powernew

Stephane Dion's deadly Afghan double-deal shows he'd rather count body bags than combat Tories.
NOW Magazine  |  Michael Hollett  |  02-25-2008  |  War

Tragedy Fuels Stereotype of Drunken Indiansnew

Once more, the dominant culture’s impression of native people has been reinforced. Native people equals alcohol equals tragedy. Definitely an unhappy equation.
NOW Magazine  |  Drew Hayden Taylor  |  02-08-2008  |  Race & Class

Clair Huot's Latest Transport You to Different Placenew

The Prison Tangram is one of those satisfying mysteries that transports you to a totally different place – that space in your head reserved for the unexpected.
NOW Magazine  |  Lesley McAllister  |  01-31-2008  |  Fiction

Sellout Has Lots to Say About Selling Outnew

Randall Kennedy seizes on his own personal experience to write about what obligations black leaders and blacks in general have to their communities.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  01-31-2008  |  Original Work

Mable John Earns Her Screen Timenew

Known to some as the sister of hugely influential R&B star Little Willie John, the spirited singer dubbed “Able Mable” was the first woman artist signed by future Motown chief Berry Gordy Jr. to his fledgling Tamla operation and now she can be seen in John Sayles' latest film.
NOW Magazine  |  Tom Perlich  |  01-31-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Black on Tracknew

A chart of African-American musical history from the 1700s to 2007.
NOW Magazine  |  staff  |  01-31-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Eating Up Autismnew

Can autistic people munch their way out of their neurological difficulties?
NOW Magazine  |  Elizabeth Bromstein  |  01-31-2008  |  Science

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