AltWeeklies Wire

The Gray Lady in Shadownew

Could publication of the domestic-spying story lead to indictment of the New York Times?
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  01-05-2006  |  Media

Death by Numbersnew

Boston's murder rate has doubled in five years -- and has not peaked yet. Here's why.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  12-30-2005  |  Crime & Justice

The Devil and Judge Jonesnew

Every so often, an opinion gets to the heart of why the Bill of Rights both guarantees the free practice of religion and protects citizens against state-approved religion. Judge John E. Jones's ruling on intelligent design did just that.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  12-30-2005  |  Civil Liberties

Black and White and Bloody All Overnew

After being kicked to the curb since 9/11, journalists in 2005 began to fulfill their traditional watchdog role with a little more zeal. Whether that lasts is probably the big question of 2006.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  12-22-2005  |  Media

Power Tripnew

Much of 2005 followed a script composed in the wake of 9/11: freedom was sacrificed to illusory and ill-defined security and "family values." But still there's hope.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  12-22-2005  |  Civil Liberties

Spy-der Mannew

Terrorists would have to be pretty dumb to have learned about electronic tapping by reading last week’s New York Times. And Bush would have to be pretty dumb for thinking we’d swallow such a line.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  12-22-2005  |  Civil Liberties

For 2006, Torture Is a Moral Issuenew

To effect policy change -- and to use the issue of torture to electoral advantage -- liberals have their work cut out for them.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  12-15-2005  |  Civil Liberties

The Atlantic Goes Southnew

After 148 years in Boston, the magazine of "the American idea" dreamed up by Ralph Waldo Emerson, et al., has produced its final issue from home. Owner David Bradley is moving The Atlantic Monthly to Washington, D.C.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  12-15-2005  |  Media

I Like To Watchnew

A pretty artist chats silently with a toy giraffe. A man driving in his car talks to his wife about their jaunt to CVS. Band nerds kill time at a high-school football game while the gridiron jocks kill each other. Video blogging is ready for its close-up.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  12-15-2005  |  Media

Boston College Blocks Gay Dancenew

Officials at the Catholic university would not allow the school's GLBT Leadership Council to hold an AIDS fundraiser on campus.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Milliard  |  12-14-2005  |  LGBT

Jamming With the Supremesnew

Here's a glimpse of the first two abortion-related cases heard by the Supreme Court in five years, and the first ever to be presided over by new chief justice John Roberts.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  12-08-2005  |  Sex

It's Gotta Be the Shirtsnew

Boston mayor Tom Menino's attempt to win the confidence of kids in the 'hood will have the opposite effect.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  12-08-2005  |  Civil Liberties

Shirting the Issuenew

Boston mayor Tom Menino wants to bolster the cops' campaign against violent crime by stopping the sale of "Stop Snitching" T-shirts.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey A. Silverglate  |  12-08-2005  |  Civil Liberties

Come Die in Iraqnew

Increasingly, military recruiters find themselves struggling against a growing anti-war movement that aims to block recruitment on high-school and college campuses.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  12-06-2005  |  War

From Watchdog to Lap Dognew

Bob Woodward’s "Plamegate" blunder showed the world what many knew for years: we need a bunch of new Bob Woodwards.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mark Jurkowitz  |  12-01-2005  |  Media

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