AltWeeklies Wire
The Snitchnew

A ruthless informant tells all about the underside of San Francisco's underworld.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A. C. Thompson |
04-13-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Fighting Stop-Lossnew
A lawsuit challenges the government's right to extend soldier's service.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
04-06-2005 |
Celling Outnew
The directors of California's stem cell research program - in charge of allocating $3 billion in state funds - have direct ties to the biotech firms that stand to gain.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tali Woodward |
04-06-2005 |
The People v. Televisionnew
In addition to bad customer service and high rates, Comcast is using cable to strangle democracy. Are they the Wal-Mart of telecom?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
03-30-2005 |
We're All Paranoidnew

Sure, the people with the 9/11 conspiracy theories are a little odd. But not everything they're saying is entirely crazy. Steven T. Jones infiltrates the Bay Area's 9/11 Truth Movement.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones |
03-23-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Freedom of Information Winnersnew
In honor of those who protect our right to know, the Bay Guardian presents the winners of the 20th annual James Madison Freedom of Information Awards.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
San Francisco Bay Guardian Staff |
03-09-2005 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties
The Nonprofit Gold Rushnew
San Francisco spends billions on nonprofit contracts without adequate oversight. It's a recipe for disaster.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Matthew Hirsch |
03-09-2005 |
Policy Issues
Build Your TV!new

As the FCC and the entertainment biz get ready to end home recording as we know it, a bunch of radical geeks are working on a solution or two.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
03-02-2005 |
Terrorist TV?new
A San Francisco broadcaster is forced to drop Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV network after State Department labels it "terrorist."
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
02-23-2005 |
San Francisco Bay Guardian Suit Moves Forwardnew
Superior Court Judge Richard A. Kramer ruled Feb. 18 that a Bay Guardian predatory-pricing lawsuit may proceed against New Times Media, owner of the SF Weekly and East Bay Express.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Bay Guardian |
02-23-2005 |
A Wartime Media Taboonew
Why are the media ignoring the option of quick withdrawal from Iraq?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Norman Solomon |
01-26-2005 |
Bullets and Ballotsnew
How can free elections take place under occupation?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rob Eshelman |
01-26-2005 |
Destroying Babylonnew
Forget the elections -- Iraq is falling apart. Besides, as the on-the-scene reporter observes, calling them elections is a bit of stretch.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Dahr Jamail |
01-26-2005 |
'They Can't Fool Me'new
A delegation that includes family members of soldiers killed in Iraq reaches out to the occupied country.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
01-19-2005 |
Tags: war & peace
Homeless Vets a Living Reminder of War's Effectsnew
Consider this astounding statistic from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: the number of people who served during Vietnam and are now homeless actually exceeds the number who were killed in the conflict. In San Francisco there are 2,400 to 3,000 homeless vets.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tali Woodward |
12-15-2004 |