AltWeeklies Wire

The 'Third Wave' of Theatrical 3-D is in Full Swing ... But it May Be The Last

Super Bowl Sunday was a glimpse of the future of 3-D: the studio made it as easy as possible for the theatrical 3-D experience to be duplicated on your TV screen.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  02-17-2009  |  Movies

Millions of Americans Remain Confused and Misinformed About Coming Digital-TV Transitionnew

On February 17, 2009, the United States launches an ambitious digital-TV transition, requiring all full-power broadcast stations to scrap their analog transmissions in favor of digital-only signals. Yet surveys indicate that the American populace is thoroughly confused about the change.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  05-21-2008  |  TV

Do I Need to Buy a New Television?new

If you're like the average American, you don't fully understand what TV's analog to digital transition means for you.
Shepherd Express  |  Evan Rytlewski  |  04-11-2008  |  Movies

Build Your TV!new

As the FCC and the entertainment biz get ready to end home recording as we know it, a bunch of radical geeks are working on a solution or two.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  03-02-2005  |  Media

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