AltWeeklies Wire
Ask a Mexican: Pinche Chestersnew
"What is the deal with Mexican denial when it comes to dealing with child sexual abuse?"
KOCI-FM Brings Low Powered Radio to the Peoplenew
Costa Mesa’s KOCI-FM 101.5 may not be ready to make us forget Indie 103.1, but it seems like its heart is in the right place.
Law & Border Hypocrisy, Part 982,776new
The Mexican can’t help but grin extra-grande when he hears people profess to love legal immigrants and hate the illegal ones.
Tags: Immigration, humor
Ask a Mexican: Cursing Kiddies, Dancing Gabachos, y Mucho Mas!new
A special four-pregunta edition.
Tags: language, humor & satire
Ask a Mexican: Special Navidad Shopping Guide Editionnew
A couple of columnas ago, I published a short list of my favorite books regarding Mexicans and Mexican-Americans and urged ustedes to submit better choices so that gabachos can have a Christmas shopping list for their favorite Mexicans or can understand nosotros better. Muchos responded.
Trendzilla: The Return of Quiksilver's '80s Stylesnew
One long-standing company that's actually making good on the '80s is Huntington Beach sports-action giant Quiksilver, which has re-introduced elements of its most iconic pieces from the '80s, when people weren't afraid of color (in an un-ironic sort of way) and thigh-bearing short shorts.
Ask a Mexican: If You Have to Ask
"Why is it that those of us who oppose illegal immigration are called racist by many Mexicans?"
Ask a Mexican: Counting Illegal Immigrantsnew
"I hear all the time that 12 million illegal immigrants live in the United States. Is that true? Who counted them? How did they do it? Is there a turnstile at the border tallying up illegals and stamping their hands with neon cartoon characters so they can go back and visit their familias?"
Trendzilla: Chanel Jackets and Cheap Chicnew
If you feel the need to binge on a dress or something for an upcoming event or those impending holiday parties, forego your usual standbys of Neiman Marcus or Barney's that we all love dearly. Start looking elsewhere. It isn't as bad as it sounds.
Ask a Mexican: Kicking Aztlannew
"In a column some time ago, you mentioned the Aztec prophecy claiming that 'their descendants would reclaim ancestral lands in the Southwest U.S., and guess what?' I'd appreciate it if you shed a little light on this statement."
Trendzilla: Feathers and Fringe, the Native American Looknew
Ethnic-inspired clothing and accessories are still here, and the Laurel Canyon hippie thing is still definitely favored by many. The next natural, obvious progression? Native Americans.
Ask a Mexican: Special Canadian Editionnew
The Great Brown South meets the Great White North.
Trendzilla: Purikura (a.k.a. Giant Expensive Japanese Photo Booths)new
These are digital booths that can be as large as a storage closet and can comfortably fit four or more. Inside, you'll find props to sit on -- anything from a bench with a green screen behind you to padded diner booths.
Ask a Mexican: Will Mexicans Queer the Deal on California's Prop. 8?new
Gentle readers: Most of you know Mexicans who live in California. Please, por favor, please tell them to vote no on Proposition 8, a resolution on California's ballot that seeks to ban gay marriage.
Trendzilla: Accent Piecesnew
A particularly striking coat with a great silhouette, a universal pair of heels or a timeless handbag usually fall under that category. These are accouterments for which you should be more willing to shell out cash -- items that make a statement on their own, that would look amazing even if paired with the snooziest of basics.