AltWeeklies Wire
With Friends Like These . . .
A local B.C. politician looking to change federal policy receives an unintential (and unwanted) endorsement from white supremacist group.
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-06-2008 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
Trans Tribulations: Acceptance Elusive for Transgendered Community
After reading about a women's-only self-defense class in a local alt-weekly, a transgendered woman is refused entry into the class — because she has yet to complete her gender reassignment surgery. Meanwhile, she's supposed to be living her life as a woman . . . but how can you do that when the world still treats you as a man?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-06-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Anxious Times: Big Pharma Clouds What It Means to be Sick
Disease mongering is big pharma's not-so-subtle way of increasing their grip on a scared and anxious populace. What's a worried person to do?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
02-01-2008 |
CHEKing In: Will Local TV News Survive the Digital Revolution?
As part of CanWest's ongoing Canadian media conglomeration, Victoria's CHEK-TV newscasts will be produced and packaged in another city by fall 2008. What does this latest round of convergence mean for local news coverage?
Monday Magazine |
Jason Youmans |
01-31-2008 |
Tags: media
No Details on Welfare Deaths
The Canadian welfare ministry refuses to investigate 6,065 deaths of individuals on welfare.
Monday Magazine |
Andrew MacLeod |
01-05-2006 |
Hydrogen—The Next Snake Oil?
Touted as the energy solution to greenhouse gases, hydrogen turns out to have more problems than it is supposed to solve.
Monday Magazine |
Russ Francis |
04-18-2005 |
Tags: environment
Facing the End of the Oil Era
Worries about high gas prices pale in comparison to worries about Peak Oil.
Monday Magazine |
Alisa Gordaneer |
04-18-2005 |
Tags: environment
Technogear for Your Hi-Fi Friends
A rundown of high-tech (and high-priced) gifts for glorified giving.
Monday Magazine |
Russ Francis |
12-07-2004 |
Tags: Health & Science
Everyone's Clucking About Backyard Chickens
They help the garden, devour kitchen scraps, and give you free-range eggs at home. No wonder urban-dwellers are loving backyard poultry.
Monday Magazine |
Heather Mah |
10-01-2004 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Naked Women Change How We See the World
Seattle photographer Amanda Koster wants to prove women are beautiful -- without plastic surgery.
Monday Magazine |
Alisa Gordaneer |
08-12-2004 |
The War on Women
Tags: organization, Canada, California, plastic surgery, Washington, fat, Seattle, body image, Victoria, nudity, women's issues, About-Face, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Brooke Finnigan, Community Eating Disorders and Related Issues Counselling (CEDRIC) Centre, San Francisco-based non-profit
Body Image Affects Gay Men in a Queer Way
What does it mean to look gay when all you see in the media images are buff boys without shirts?
Monday Magazine |
Bill Stuart |
08-12-2004 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Canada Immigration to Recognize Same-Sex Marriage
Activists are thrilled that Canada's immigration policy now allows citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their same-sex spouses.
Monday Magazine |
Adrienne Mercer |
08-07-2004 |
Transgendered Community Struggles to Overcome Stereotypes
Gender reassignment surgery used to be covered under the provincial health plan. But the government cut funding just as Michelle Anderson was halfway through. Now, she and other transgendered activists are working to promote trans acceptance in the community at large
Monday Magazine |
Sarah Petrescu |
08-07-2004 |
Workplace Stress Is on Rise, Leading to Illness and Absenteeism
Uncertainty, lack of information and a lack of control -- situations that are now common in workplaces -- all contribute to stress-related illness.
Monday Magazine |
Alisa Gordaneer |
08-07-2004 |
Photographer Puts Focus "Down There"
For San Diego photographer Nick Karras, the vulva is like an exotic flower.
Monday Magazine |
Ringo Wilde |
08-03-2004 |