AltWeeklies Wire
The Plan to Nowhere?new

The Seattle region's ambitious 10-year plan to end homelessness is in serious trouble, undercut and underfunded -- and things are about to get worse, thanks to the Bush administration.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
03-08-2006 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Losing the Patientnew
Doctors can call the operation a success, and lawyers win key points of their case -- but consumers get short shrift in Washington state's medical-malpractice bill.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
03-01-2006 |
Tags: Health & Science
The 'Jewish' Connew

Incarcerated gang members are abusing freedom of religion to get special treatment.
Seattle Weekly |
George Howland Jr. |
03-01-2006 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
The Immigrant Votenew
Proposed initiatives in Washington state would crack down on illegals at the polls and on welfare rolls.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
02-22-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
Breach of Faithnew
A nun and a priest evaluated and counseled priests accused of sex abuse for the Seattle Archdiocese -- but they also counseled victims, one of whom is suing for conflict of interest.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
02-15-2006 |
From 'Spy' to Psychoticnew
After she was accused of being a spy for Saddam Hussein's Iraqi government, former journalist Susan Lindauer dropped off the radar, but her story remains strange -- she is currently confined to a federal mental facility and has not yet had her day in court.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
02-15-2006 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Sexual Disorientationnew
An upcoming Supreme Court decision on gay marriage could aid opponents of the new, unrelated gay civil-rights law.
Seattle Weekly |
George Howland Jr. |
02-08-2006 |
The Plot to Kill Darwinnew

A Seattle think tank launched the modern intelligent-design movement with a simple memo, and the cause has mutated beyond rational control.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
02-01-2006 |
The Futility of Boycottsnew
If you're planning to boycott Microsoft, get in line.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-24-2006 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
A Very Fuzzy Fossil Recordnew
A scientific report on the Burke Museum collection at the University of Washington suggests 35 years of unprofessional conduct, bad science, and possible federal lawlessness.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
01-24-2006 |
Tags: Health & Science
Nanny Seattlenew
With new restrictions on stripping, booze, and smoking, Seattle's nannies are in full scold mode, and progressives are the biggest party poopers of all.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
01-18-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties
Clean-Energy Frenzynew
As the Pacific Northwest struggles with soaring fuel and electricity prices, corporate executives and entrepreneurs are joining politicians and activists to develop cleaner, smarter, and self-reliant energy sources.
Seattle Weekly |
George Howlamd Jr. |
12-15-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science
Contagion in Jailnew
Inmates, their families, and even elected officials in Seattle wonder if the county health department is taking the presence of flesh-eating disease seriously enough.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
12-07-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science
A Union Shop on Every Blocknew
As baristas seek to organize, the feds cite Starbucks for interfering.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
12-07-2005 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
The Drugging of the American Mindnew
A new generation of meds to treat mental illness has turned millions of Americans into human guinea pigs. Among them is an eyewitness who thinks the drug 'revolution' has gone too far.
Seattle Weekly |
Philip Dawdy |
11-30-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science