AltWeeklies Wire
Trade Offnew
What happens to prison job training if voters OK a measure to add even more inmates?
Willamette Week |
Mark Noack |
03-05-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Portland Schools Struggle to Meet Enviro Goals at Lunchnew

Even as the district has cultivated an eco-friendly image with a "green" schools push and a new farm-to-school program to provide local food for its lunches, it has served almost 33,000 meals each school day since 2001 on nonreusable plastic-foam trays.
Willamette Week |
Shefali Kulkarni |
03-05-2008 |
Tags: environment
He's an ... Illegal Eh-liennew

He's stealing our jobs and our women. Plus, he talks funny. Meet Morgan, the illegal Canadian immigrant.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
02-20-2008 |
Beaten to the Pulpnew
The Blue Heron Paper Company is a model of sustainability -- but it's struggling to survive.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
02-13-2008 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
FBI Agent Uses His Daughter's Pic to Lure Accused Predatornew
It's a case straight out of crime TV. A high-powered Seattle lawyer finds a 14-year-old girl in an internet chat room and talks her into meeting him for some kinky sex in a hotel. But when he shows up at a Portland MAX stop for the promised spanking session, he gets handcuffed by FBI agents, who were posing as the girl online to snare sexual predators.
Willamette Week |
James Pitkin |
02-13-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Why Are Some Catholics Wearing Burlap This Lent?new
The answer: sex abuse by priests.
Willamette Week |
Shefali Kulkarni |
02-13-2008 |
Economics vs. Environment in the
The Columbia River Gorge Commission is deliberating whether to let a lumber company build a 250-unit resort in violation of existing rules against a large-scale development.
Willamette Week |
Jeremy Gillick |
02-06-2008 |
Tags: environment
The Debt Effectnew
One of Oregon’s biggest collection lawyers faces new troubles from the debtors he’s sued.
Willamette Week |
James Pitkin |
02-06-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
OHSU Pits Saving Money Against Saving Livesnew
The crucial services Russell Street Dental Clinic has provided HIV-positive Portlanders and other high-needs and low-income residents for 30 years are now threatened by Oregon Health&Science University’s reaction to a Dec. 28 decision by the Oregon Supreme Court.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
02-06-2008 |
Tags: Health & Science
Waiting For Lovenew

Like breaking up, calculating the costs of delaying Oregon’s domestic partnership law is hard to do.
Willamette Week |
Stephen Marc Beaudoin |
01-30-2008 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
The Green Milenew
As state transportation officials forge ahead with plans to replace the Interstate 5 bridge over the Columbia River, critics charge that the billion-dollar project doesn’t go far enough to reflect Portland’s fight against climate change.
Willamette Week |
James Pitkin |
01-30-2008 |
Tags: transportation
Pee-Town Revisitednew
In an effort to provide homeless people a place to relieve themselves, Portland kept its City Hall bathrooms open overnight. So far, that's cost the city $46,500 in its first five months.
Willamette Week |
Corey Pein |
01-30-2008 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Rescue Menew
A Portland cop is targeting foreclosure vultures. Next week, the Legislature will, too.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
01-30-2008 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Killing Time: Dead Men Waiting on Oregon's Death Rownew

The state's machinery of death is clearly in place. But since the U.S. Supreme Court allowed states to resume executions in 1976, Oregon has killed only two men. Meanwhile, 35 men sit alone this week in their cells on death row.
Willamette Week |
James Pitkin |
01-23-2008 |
Crime & Justice
New Tax Credit Puts the Greenbacks in Green Energynew
The Oregon Department of Energy is experiencing a gold rush as it tries to set rules for new green energy-related tax credits.
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
01-16-2008 |
Tags: environment