AltWeeklies Wire

Three Brothers, Two Bands, One Writer, and a Reunion Show That Hits Homenew

Neither Anne Be Davis nor Harry Chronic Jr. played into local Detroit scenesterism — nobody would take kids from Grosse Pointe seriously, after all … except Meg White, and you see where that's gotten her.
Metro Times  |  Hobey Echlin  |  08-04-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Infuriated Lewis Black is Only Telling the Truth ... Just Ask Himnew

First Lenny Bruce, then George Carlin and now Lewis Black -- America continues to rely on comedians to cut through heaps of steaming bullshit (much of which is spouted from our nation's capital).
Metro Times  |  Travis R. Wright  |  07-28-2009  |  Performance

Looking Back on Walter Cronkite, the Last Man to Unite Us as Americansnew

Cronkite was the last newsman to make us feel that we were one country. We saw ourselves as united in a voyage of discovery, having to fend off evil and outside perils, and on a mission to make our lives and the world we lived in better. We were basically a good people who sometimes screwed up, but we were trying to make a living and make sense of this world together.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  07-28-2009  |  Media

Why's the Detroit Mayoral Race Getting So Little Attention When So Much is On the Line?new

What's that you say? There's a mayor's race going on in Detroit? If this is news to you, or if you are vaguely aware that a mayoral primary will be held Aug. 4, but have no clue about the quintet of challengers vying to unseat newly elected incumbent Dave Bing, you can be forgiven.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  07-28-2009  |  Politics

Will Backroom Deals Keep Detroit's Garbage Incinerator Burning?new

The July 1 deadline for deciding the long-term future for disposal of Detroit's garbage has come and gone, but we can't tell you with any certainty what that future will be.
Metro Times  |  Staff  |  07-14-2009  |  Environment

Garage Greats The Gories Returnnew

The unskilled Detroit band helped alter the course of rock 'n' roll ... by accident. So why did they disband too soon?
Metro Times  |  Chris Handyside  |  06-30-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Finale Aims at the Top of Detroit's Hip-Hop Cropnew

Finale's name may not yet be as familiar as some of his better-known peers, most who hold him in the highest regard as one of the very best Michigan has to offer. But it shouldn't be very long before people start paying attention.
Metro Times  |  William E. Ketchum III  |  06-30-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Swinging Through the Thermonuclear Future with 'Bionic Commando'new

In all, Bionic Commando is a mixed bag. The game's enjoyable, but too many missteps keep it from being absolutely kick-ass. In fact, if not for the sheer awesomeness of Spencer's bionic arm, this game would've failed.
Metro Times  |  Bryant Franks  |  06-30-2009  |  Video Games

Michigan Communities Use HUD Dollars for Demolition, Rehab and Ownershipnew

In Michigan, the HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program is funding projects aimed at offsetting some of the harmful effects that foreclosed and vacant properties have on neighborhoods, as well as increasing home ownership and redevelopment.
Metro Times  |  Sandra Svoboda  |  06-09-2009  |  Economy

Huffing and Puffing, and the New Justicenew

Thirty-seven states have outlawed smoking in bars and restaurants. Some have done so in all public places. Sadly, Michigan lags behind, even though polls show the vast majority of us want a smoking ban.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  06-09-2009  |  Policy Issues

Blase Splee's Pop Perfection Was a Debut Awaynew

One might guess that a band would invest a lot more thought into its choice of a name than Blase Splee did. But nonchalance might be expected from a couple of guys who know that the true measure of a band has little to do with its name.
Metro Times  |  Scott Bragg  |  06-09-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

New Fear in Chrysler Bankruptcy: Liability Claims May Be Voidednew

As currently structured, the proposed Chrysler-Fiat agreement would leave victims of allegedly defective Chrysler products sold before the deal is consummated unable to pursue claims against the automaker.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  05-26-2009  |  Business & Labor

Era-Defining Cass Corridor Artists Reconvene on the Wallnew

Time and Place is a beautifully curated and installed exhibition of artists from Detroit's Cass Corridor from approximately 1968 to 1980.
Metro Times  |  Glen Mannisto  |  05-26-2009  |  Art

A Cultural Field Guide to the Detroit Electronic Music Festivalnew

This is a rough anthropological survey of some of the subsets you can observe at Movement 2009, Detroit's Electronic Music Festival.
Metro Times  |  Travis R. Wright  |  05-26-2009  |  Music

Detroit Bait Shop Owner Holds His Ground Against Bridge-Expansion Projectnew

Dean Aytes and his bait shop are the only things standing in the way of a potential second bridge from Detroit to Canada.
Metro Times  |  Detroitblogger John  |  05-05-2009  |  Housing & Development

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