AltWeeklies Wire

Backstage Passnew

With almost three decades of experience producing the annual spectacle, Ken Ehrlich provides a collection of stories sure to please any avid viewer of award shows in his book “At the Grammys: Behind the Scenes at Music’s Biggest Night.”
Metro Spirit  |  Jason Sumerau  |  04-27-2008  |  Nonfiction

Heart of Darthness: Confessions of a Former Skywalkernew

While most girls her age were playing house, writer Cathy Resmer played Star Wars. When kids from her neighborhood acted out scenes from the movies, she was always Luke.
Seven Days  |  Cathy Resmer  |  05-19-2005  |  Media

Property Co-Owned by Actress Tied to Alleged Drug Ringnew

A Feb. 2 indictment of 13 men who federal prosecutors say are involved in a violent Baltimore drug conspiracy called the Rice Organization seeks forfeiture of co-conspirators’ assets—including an East Baltimore property that state records show is co-owned by movie actress Jada Pinkett-Smith.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Van Smith  |  02-11-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Choose Your Own Adventure: Knights of the Old Republic IInew

The whole "choose your own adventure" theme that made the first KOTOR so amazing is back again for The Sith Lords, and it really makes you feel like your actions can have serious consequences, one way or another.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jim Murray and Aaron Solomon  |  01-03-2005  |  Video Games

Busting a Move: Pamela Anderson Conquers Literaturenew

No fragile, tragic, self-destructive Marilyn Monroe clone, Pamela Anderson is a canny businesswoman who knows exactly what a valuable commodity she possesses, and who’s buying.
Missoula Independent  |  Nicole Panter  |  09-30-2004  |  Fiction

Dark Side of the Force

Over the course of various theatrical releases, laserdiscs, VHS box sets and the notorious 1997 Special Editions, George Lucas has gradually altered his original Star Wars trilogy to reflect his growing discomfort with its content. On Sept. 21 Lucas will release the first authorized DVDs of the trilogy, and fans are bracing for still more changes.
Columbia Free Times  |  David Axe  |  09-17-2004  |  Movies

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