AltWeeklies Wire

Poll: Ohioans Feeling Less Crappy About Their Livesnew

It's been a tough four years for folks in Ohio. Jim Tressel went down, Casey Anthony may or may not have made the Buckeye state her home, jobs have been hard to come by, and Ohio is neck-and-neck with Florida in everyone's favorite game, Ohio or Florida?
Cleveland Scene  |  Vince Grzegorek  |  05-10-2012  |  Politics

Does Ohio Need an SOB as Governor?new

John Kasich is promising that if elected, he’ll make so many enemies trying to save the state from ruin that a second term might be out of the question.
The Other Paper  |  By Lyndsey Teter  |  07-22-2010  |  Politics

Meet Ohio Demagogue Dave Daubenmirenew

Though he has been "living his faith" over the airwaves and in the public square for the past decade, the attention of mass media broadcasters has come largely over the course of the past year, particularly during the past few months of Town Hall mayhem.
The Other Paper  |  Kitty McConnell  |  09-11-2009  |  Politics

Obama Campaign is Targeting Ohio's Reddest Countiesnew

The Democrats hopes to win the swing state by chipping away at Republican strongholds in Butler, Clermont and Warren counties.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Steve Rosen  |  10-24-2008  |  Politics

Will Your Vote Count?new

Cuyahoga County implements a new electronic voting system, after wasting millions on a fantasy.
Cleveland Free Times  |  Charu Gupta  |  03-03-2008  |  Politics

Too Good for Us?new

Ken Blackwell is well known for his role in election day shenanigans that pushed Ohio into George Bush's win column in 2004 -- what's not so well known about the right-wing ideologue now running for Ohio governor is his early years as a liberal activist and a third-party mayor of Cincinnati.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Lew Moores  |  08-21-2006  |  Politics

A Curious Candidatenew

Paul Ilg carries a gun, scares his neighbors, and really wants to be a Cleveland city councilman.
Cleveland Scene  |  Joe P. Tone  |  11-02-2005  |  Politics

Bush Appointee Made Fortune With Questionable Lendingnew

Bush's appointee to be ambassador to the Netherlands, Roland Arnall, is the founder of Ameriquest, whose lending tactics have prompted investigations by attorneys general in no fewer than 30 states.
Cleveland Scene  |  Denise Grollmus  |  10-20-2005  |  Politics

Ohioans, Don't Get Fooled Again; Support Issues 2-5new

Ohio's Republican establishment is pulling out all the stops to defeat five election-reform issues on the ballot in November and preserve its domination of state government.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  10-01-2005  |  Commentary

Bush Nominee Has Union-Busting Reputationnew

Tim Timken gave President Bush $800,000. Bush gave him Germany.
Cleveland Scene  |  James Renner  |  09-09-2005  |  Politics

Was It Hacked?new

The Bush administration's "fix" of the 2000 election debacle (the Help America Vote Act) made crooked elections considerably easier, by foisting paperless electronic voting on states before the bugs had been worked out or meaningful safeguards could be installed.
Orlando Weekly  |  Alan Waldman  |  11-18-2004  |  Politics

Cheeseburgers and Paradise Won Ohionew

Ohio turned out to be the swing state everyone predicted, and President Bush's narrow victory here pushed him to re-election. John Kerry won all the major cities in Ohio, yet the suburban and rural vote trumped him.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Stephanie Dunlap  |  11-10-2004  |  Politics

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